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Tabraj, C., (2021). Híbrido Residencial en San Juan de Lurigancho [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Tabraj, C., Híbrido Residencial en San Juan de Lurigancho [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Híbrido Residencial en San Juan de Lurigancho",
author = "Tabraj Murillo, Carlos Albert",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Title: Híbrido Residencial en San Juan de Lurigancho
Other Titles: Residential Hybrid in San Juan de Lurigancho
Authors(s): Tabraj Murillo, Carlos Albert
Advisor(s): Málaga Sotomayor, Guillermo
Keywords: Conjunto residencial; Espacios públicos; Espacios colectivos; Ciudad compacta; Public spaces; Collective spaces; Compact city
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 28-Sep-2021
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: Esta investigación de tesis llamada Hibrido residencial en San Juan de Lurigancho responde a la gran demanda de vivienda por parte de las familias que conforman el distrito, buscando la calidad espacial dentro del hogar, la importancia de los espacios colectivos como dinamizadores sociales en un conjunto de viviendas o conjunto residencial, la necesidad de integrar en proyectos compuestos por muchas viviendas, equipamientos que los usuarios y el entorno necesiten y demostrar la importancia de la densificación en distritos con entornos consolidados para así poder lograr una ciudad compacta y dejar de usar indiscriminadamente el suelo.
This thesis research called Residential Hybrid in San Juan de Lurigancho, seeks to respond to the great demand for housing by the families that make up the district, without neglecting the spatial quality within the home, the importance of collective spaces as dynamizers social in a group of houses or residential complex, the need to integrate in projects composed of many houses, equipment that users and the environment need and demonstrate the importance of densification in districts with consolidated environments in order to achieve a compact city and leave to use the land indiscriminately.
This thesis research called Residential Hybrid in San Juan de Lurigancho, seeks to respond to the great demand for housing by the families that make up the district, without neglecting the spatial quality within the home, the importance of collective spaces as dynamizers social in a group of houses or residential complex, the need to integrate in projects composed of many houses, equipment that users and the environment need and demonstrate the importance of densification in districts with consolidated environments in order to achieve a compact city and leave to use the land indiscriminately.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 24-Dec-2021
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