Bibliographic citations
Almeyda, G., (2021). Diseño de un modelo de gestión colaborativo en una empresa del sector retail en Perú aplicando la metodología S&OP y herramientas de Gestión de procesos, Gestión de la demanda y Gestión de inventarios [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Almeyda, G., Diseño de un modelo de gestión colaborativo en una empresa del sector retail en Perú aplicando la metodología S&OP y herramientas de Gestión de procesos, Gestión de la demanda y Gestión de inventarios [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Diseño de un modelo de gestión colaborativo en una empresa del sector retail en Perú aplicando la metodología S&OP y herramientas de Gestión de procesos, Gestión de la demanda y Gestión de inventarios",
author = "Almeyda Crisóstomo, Génesis Belén",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The retail sector is a growing industry, however, over the years it has been shown that the main problems are associated with inventories. One of the most critical, due to the shortage of proposals that provide a solution, is the stock breakage. This article proposes a collaborative model applying the S&OP methodology to reduce stock breakages in a Peruvian company in the retail sector through a purchasing plan designed by the interaction and participation of different actors in charge of the process. The results of the model are measured by the percentage of stock breaks, the demand forecast error and the increase in sales. In the diagnosis of the problem two factors were identified that cause the stock breaks. The first is caused by the delay that exists in the replenishment of inventories, due to the bad programming of delivery of products between the distribution center and the stores. The second is related to the insufficient amount of purchases made that does not allow to satisfy the real demand and is caused by not properly categorizing the products, estimating the forecast poorly and not having security inventory policies. A simulation resulted in a 17% stock breakage reduction and a 17% forecast error decrease. Also, sales increased by 15%.
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