Bibliographic citations
Abregú, W., Vicente, C. (2021). La prevención del riesgo laboral y su influencia en el nivel de accidentes de trabajo de las empresas del Sector Textil, Lima Metropolitana 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Abregú, W., Vicente, C. La prevención del riesgo laboral y su influencia en el nivel de accidentes de trabajo de las empresas del Sector Textil, Lima Metropolitana 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "La prevención del riesgo laboral y su influencia en el nivel de accidentes de trabajo de las empresas del Sector Textil, Lima Metropolitana 2020",
author = "Vicente Condori, Cinthia Rusmell",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
The purpose of this research is to explain the influence of occupational risk prevention on the level of occupational accidents in companies in the Textile sector, Lima Metropolitana 2020. The research design is non-experimental of a transversal type, because it is carried out without manipulating deliberately variables and causal correlational scope. Likewise, the methodology that was applied for data collection in a quantitative approach. To measure the opinion of the collaborators, those in charge of safety and health at work in the Textile Sector, in relation to the variables to be studied and their referred dimensions, a Likert-type questionnaire was prepared. The reliability of the aforementioned instrument was determined using Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (0.759) and its validation was obtained through the judgment of experts. From a total population of 35,739 textile companies, a simple random sample was determined obtaining 381 companies. According to the correlational analysis, there is statistical evidence to synthesize that the prevention of occupational risk and the level of accidents at work in the companies of the Textile sector in Metropolitan Lima are related.
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