Bibliographic citations
Vasquez, J., Ochoa, R. (2021). Propuesta de distribución espacio temporal de los pasajeros con modelación en Vissim para reducir la aglomeración peatonal en la estación Naranjal del Metropolitano [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vasquez, J., Ochoa, R. Propuesta de distribución espacio temporal de los pasajeros con modelación en Vissim para reducir la aglomeración peatonal en la estación Naranjal del Metropolitano [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Propuesta de distribución espacio temporal de los pasajeros con modelación en Vissim para reducir la aglomeración peatonal en la estación Naranjal del Metropolitano",
author = "Ochoa Chávez, Raphael Marcelo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Currently, larges cities have various transportation systems, however, the population size over time is increasing. One clear example is the city of Lima, which has more tan 8,574,974 inhabitants and suffers from problems of agglomeration in its transport systems, which due to excessive demand are saturated and waiting times become excessive for users. Despite this, ingenious solutions can be adopted that don’ t generate excessive economic costs, using pedestrian management measures. The objective of this research is to improve the level of pedestrian service through models in Vissim, of the Naranjal station of Lima-Peru El Metropolitano, since it is one of the most critical boarding platforms in the city. Three scenarios with pedestrian management measures were modeled: pedestrian traffic lights, flow separator and warning systems. The result that had the greatest impact in reducing pedestrian congestion was the warning system with a density of 1.06 m2/pedestrian, having a service level E, and average pedestrian speed of 5.80 km/h and a maximun travel time of the pedestrians of 261.37 seconds in the most critical interval of the rush hour. In conclusion, accordin to the results obtained, the three modeled measures improve pedestrian density and speed, however, the one that has the greatest impact was the use of warning systems.
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