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León, R., Llanos, J., Machacuay, N., Paz, P., Ruiz, K. (2020). Peqachu: Tortas Saludables [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
León, R., Llanos, J., Machacuay, N., Paz, P., Ruiz, K. Peqachu: Tortas Saludables [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Peqachu: Tortas Saludables",
author = "Ruiz Aguirre, Kelly Joan",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Title: Peqachu: Tortas Saludables
Authors(s): León Oré, Reyna Isabel; Llanos Silva , Jennifer Luciana; Machacuay Capcha, Nataly Pamela; Paz Cisneros, Patricia; Ruiz Aguirre, Kelly Joan
Advisor(s): Toledo Coral, Carina
Keywords: Pastelería; Granos andinos; Delivery; Plan de negocio; Cake shop; Andean grains; Business plan
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: La consciencia por la mejora en la elección de los alimentos a consumir, ha tomado más fuerza con el pasar de los años. En el Perú el 80% de las personas de clase media tienden a tomar en cuenta la información alimentaria antes de comprar un producto; y están dispuestos a pagar más por dicha elección (Gestión, 2019).
Esta tendencia no excluye a la pastelería, que es un rubro bastante solicitado para ocasiones especiales. Sin embargo, en el mercado limeño actual, las opciones de pastelerías saludables son bajas; pues la mayoría de establecimientos trabajan con ingredientes compuestos de azúcares, grasa y otros. Adicional a ello, es frecuente tener inconvenientes en el tiempo de entrega de las tortas.
Por ello, se crea Peqachu ofrecerá tortas elaboradas a base de granos andinos, edulcorantes y variedad de frutas, y dicha preparación tendrá la orientación de un nutricionista. Cabe resaltar, la pastelería será virtual, se atenderá a través de los canales digitales como Facebook y una página web. Así mismo, los pedidos serán entregados a los clientes mediante el servicio de delivery.
Finalmente se demuestra que el negocio es rentable con altas posibilidades de crecimiento, al tener como valor agregado el uso de los granos andinos como insumo principal en la elaboración de tortas. De acuerdo al análisis financiero, se demuestra que el proyecto es viable y rentable para su muestra en marcha.
The awareness for the improvement in the choice of food to consume, has gained more strength over the years. In Peru, 80% of middle class people tend to take food information into account before buying a product; and they are willing to pay more for said election (Gestión, 2019). This trend does not exclude pastry, which is a very popular item for special occasions. However, in today's Lima market, healthy bakery options are low; since most establishments work with ingredients composed of sugars, fat and others. Additionally, it is common to have problems in the delivery time of the cakes. For this reason, Peqachu is created will offer cakes made from Andean grains, sweeteners and a variety of fruits, and said preparation will have the guidance of a nutritionist. It should be noted, the pastry shop will be virtual, it will be served through digital channels such as Facebook and a website. Likewise, orders will be delivered to customers through the delivery service. Finally, it is shown that the business is profitable with high growth possibilities, having as an added value the use of Andean grains as the main input in the preparation of cakes. According to the financial analysis, the project is shown to be viable and profitable for its ongoing sample.
The awareness for the improvement in the choice of food to consume, has gained more strength over the years. In Peru, 80% of middle class people tend to take food information into account before buying a product; and they are willing to pay more for said election (Gestión, 2019). This trend does not exclude pastry, which is a very popular item for special occasions. However, in today's Lima market, healthy bakery options are low; since most establishments work with ingredients composed of sugars, fat and others. Additionally, it is common to have problems in the delivery time of the cakes. For this reason, Peqachu is created will offer cakes made from Andean grains, sweeteners and a variety of fruits, and said preparation will have the guidance of a nutritionist. It should be noted, the pastry shop will be virtual, it will be served through digital channels such as Facebook and a website. Likewise, orders will be delivered to customers through the delivery service. Finally, it is shown that the business is profitable with high growth possibilities, having as an added value the use of Andean grains as the main input in the preparation of cakes. According to the financial analysis, the project is shown to be viable and profitable for its ongoing sample.
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Discipline: Negocios Internacionales; Contabilidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Negocios Internacionales; Bachiller en contabilidad
Register date: 9-Mar-2021
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