Bibliographic citations
Garcia, K., Huaman, M. (2020). Efecto de un Programa de Intervención en Competencias Parentales en padres y madres de una institución educativa pre escolar de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Garcia, K., Huaman, M. Efecto de un Programa de Intervención en Competencias Parentales en padres y madres de una institución educativa pre escolar de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Efecto de un Programa de Intervención en Competencias Parentales en padres y madres de una institución educativa pre escolar de Lima",
author = "Huaman Torres, Maria del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
The current investigation has as objective to know the effectiveness of a program of intervention of parental competitions. For this, the participants were parents of between 25 and 47 years of preschool children. Within the sample, it was found that 72.7% are women and 27.3% are men; likewise, 36.4% are married and 22.7% are single, and. 40.9% among others. The Perceived Parental Competence Scale, the parent version validated in Peru, was used, which was applied to the participants before the start of the program and at the end of it. As part of the main results, at descriptive level it is observed that the mean of the scores increases significantly. In addition, the Cohen d and r were used to know the effect size. It was appreciated that for the three dimensions Assumption of role and dedication of the parents from 3.16 to 3.42, School involvement, 3.27 to 3.51 and Orientation and shared leisure, 2.91 to 3.26 there was a significant change of moderate size. Finally, the structure of this intervention can be applied to parents with children in various stages of evolution.
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