Bibliographic citations
Castillo, G., (2021). Gestión del alcance para el mejoramiento del servicio recreativo en el parque Santa Teresa de Ávila, distrito de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Castillo, G., Gestión del alcance para el mejoramiento del servicio recreativo en el parque Santa Teresa de Ávila, distrito de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Gestión del alcance para el mejoramiento del servicio recreativo en el parque Santa Teresa de Ávila, distrito de Trujillo",
author = "Castillo Paredes, Gianina Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
This thesis consists of the development of a Scope Management planning proposal, taking into account the PMBOK® guide (sixth edition) for the improvement of the recreational service in park N ° 3, located in Urb. Santa Teresa de Ávila, Trujillo district, Trujillo province - La Libertad department, in order to adopt a scope management model for project management according to the specific characteristics of the project and the client's requirements, and at the same time allow the micro-enterprise ITHAGPOL S. A.C. to optimize the efficiency of project execution, considering that companies in the construction sector do not design a management based on the integration of activities from the origin to the end of the project; and having a methodology to direct the projects of a company will help to obtain the best results in time, within costs and within a scope that has been determined. The proposal for Scope Management was made, creating the Scope Management Plan, the project charter, the compilation of requirements, the scope statement was determined, the WBS and its dictionary were also created, and they were presented formats for the validation and control of the scope of the project. After the application of the proposal, it was determined that through a correct implementation of the contents of the PMBOK® guide for scope management, it has allowed to increase all the chances of success of the project through effective management, and it is evidenced in the exercise of the project, culminating in the assumed term and fulfilling the Scope in its entirety.
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