Bibliographic citations
Briceño, E., Gutierrez, D. (2023). Diseño de defensas ribereñas en el rio Moche tramo 1+400 a 3+400 aguas arriba de la confluencia con el rio Simbal – Trujillo - La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Briceño, E., Gutierrez, D. Diseño de defensas ribereñas en el rio Moche tramo 1+400 a 3+400 aguas arriba de la confluencia con el rio Simbal – Trujillo - La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Diseño de defensas ribereñas en el rio Moche tramo 1+400 a 3+400 aguas arriba de la confluencia con el rio Simbal – Trujillo - La Libertad",
author = "Gutierrez Cordova, Diego Rubén",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
This project is carried out with the aim of designing a riverbank protection system, as well as the different procedures for calculating bank defenses applied to the Moche River section 1+400 to 3+400 upstream of the confluence with the Simbal River. The process for the development of this research considers in detail the behavior of all the characteristics of the Moche River, finding all the information required for hydraulic and hydrological studies, topography, sedimentology, and fundamental information for the study of coastal protection. This research contains the mathematical methods used for the design of a bank protection system (bank defense-rocked type), one of the best known systems that is adapted to the conditions of the Moche River. Work was carried out in situ, consisting in the collection of data and historical information of maximum floods, topographical study; the hydraulic study of maximum floods was carried out taking as reference the hydrometric data of the Quirihuac station, information provided by “SENAMHI”. Using the mathematical methods of Pearson log, normal log and Gumbel's method, hydraulic and hydrological parameters required for the development of the coastal defense design were established, such as the tension in maximum floods, the stable width of the river, depth of excavation, velocity, nail depth and rock diameter. The modeling was carried out in the HecRas 6. 1 program without a project identifying the floodable areas and the depth of excavation and with a project to determine the upstream and downstream delineation of the stretch chosen for this study
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