Bibliographic citations
Bazán, C., Tucto, C. (2023). Evaluación y análisis de las condiciones actuales y propuesta de diseño estructural de pavimento rígido y flexible para la Av. Federico Villarreal entre los tramos de la carretera industrial y la Av. Túpac Amaru [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Bazán, C., Tucto, C. Evaluación y análisis de las condiciones actuales y propuesta de diseño estructural de pavimento rígido y flexible para la Av. Federico Villarreal entre los tramos de la carretera industrial y la Av. Túpac Amaru [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Evaluación y análisis de las condiciones actuales y propuesta de diseño estructural de pavimento rígido y flexible para la Av. Federico Villarreal entre los tramos de la carretera industrial y la Av. Túpac Amaru",
author = "Tucto López, Cristhian Patrick",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
This research is based on the observation and analysis of the poor condition of the pavement in the study area, Federico Villarreal Avenue between the sections of the Industrial Highway and Tupac Amaru Avenue, an avenue of vital importance for our city since it is an important access to La Hermelinda Market (important market with a large influx of people 365 days a year) and in turn, at the southern end it has an important connection to the penetration road to the Sierra Liberteña, the main road that connects the coast, highlands and jungle of our region. Therefore, two structural design proposals are proposed, one in flexible pavement and the other in rigid pavement. To achieve this, a vehicle count was performed at 7 control points, obtaining an EAL or W18 of 5,820,011.01 for flexible pavement, and an EAL or W18 of 6,676,529.56 for rigid pavement. Also, 10 exploratory pits were made at a depth of 2m each, from which an average CBR value of 12.64% was obtained. For the structural design of both proposals, the methodology of the AASHTO 93 guide was used and in turn design parameters according to the Peruvian standard of the Manual de Carreteras Suelos, Geología, Geotecnia y Pavimentos, 2014, published by the Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC); and the Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones: Norma CE.010 Pavimentos Urbanos, 2010. The results obtained for the structural design of the flexible pavement are the following thicknesses: 9cm of asphalt binder, 15cm of base and 20cm of sub base, with a cost amounting to Five Million Four Hundred Eighty Two Thousand Six Hundred Eighteen with 77/100 soles (S/ 5,482,618. 77); while, for the structural design of the rigid pavement are: 23cm of concrete slab considering a f'c = 300kg/cm2 and 15cm of sub base; with a cost that amounts to Eight Million One Hundred Eleven Thousand Thirty-two with 18/100 soles (S/ 8,111,032.18). Therefore, we conclude that the cost of execution for flexible pavement is 14.79% times more economical than the cost of rigid pavement. For project feasibility, factors such as climate, construction process, and technical specifications must be taken into account to obtain a correct final serviceability of the pavement.
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