Citas bibligráficas
Espinoza, L., (2023). El contradictorio frente a la declaración de incompetencia de oficio en el proceso civil vigente [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Espinoza, L., El contradictorio frente a la declaración de incompetencia de oficio en el proceso civil vigente [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "El contradictorio frente a la declaración de incompetencia de oficio en el proceso civil vigente",
author = "Espinoza Chumacero, Lizbeth.",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
This thesis is titled: “THE CONTRADICTORY FACING THE DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INCOMPETENCE IN THE CURRENT CIVIL PROCESS”; and, part of the following research question: Why should the principle of prior adversarial proceedings constitute a limit to the declaration of incompetence ex officio, in the current Peruvian civil process? For this reason, the following general objective has been proposed: Demonstrate why the principle of prior adversarial proceedings should constitute a limit to the declaration of incompetence ex officio, in the current Peruvian civil process. Finally, after applying the various research methods and techniques to this thesis, we were able to reach the following conclusion: It has been determined that the principle of prior adversarial proceedings should constitute a limit to the declaration of incompetence ex officio, in civil proceedings. current Peruvian; because this will be able to mean an ideal form of control against the informal judicial power, in addition to the fact that it will be able to reduce the possibility of errors in said assessment of incompetence, as well as reducing the risks of unnecessary delays that threaten the normal development of the process, which will allow for a civil process that is more in line with due process and effective jurisdictional protection, which are guiding principles of any constitutionalized judicial process.
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