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Ayca, A., Fernandez, D., Medina, J., Guarda, A., Graham, S. (2019). Útil ya [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Ayca, A., Fernandez, D., Medina, J., Guarda, A., Graham, S. Útil ya [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Útil ya",
author = "Graham Chávez, Sebastian",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Title: Útil ya
Authors(s): Ayca Lastra, Antonio; Fernandez Dávila Alania, David Alberto; Medina Agreda, Javier Alonso; Guarda Chang, Aaron Eduardo; Graham Chávez, Sebastian
Advisor(s): Zavala Lúcar, Christian Enrique
Keywords: Concierge; Idea de negocio; Validación; Innovador; Business innovation; Validation; Innovation
Issue Date: 28-Sep-2019
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El mundo digital está en continuo desarrollo y cada vez nos presenta un cumulo de opciones que satisfacen las necesidades de los usuarios. Una de estas necesidades es la adquisición de útiles escolares y de oficina de manera rápida y segura. A todos nos ha sucedido que requerimos de un material escolar de forma inmediata y no tenemos un lugar cercano donde comprarlo, es por ello que se creó una idea de negocio que satisfaga esa necesidad. Esta idea fue llamada UtilYa.
El objetivo de este proyecto es proveer al mercado limeño de una opción válida de compra y reparto de útiles escolares y de oficina de manera virtual. Con ello les presentamos un formato didáctico para comprar útiles y les ofrecemos nuestro servicio de entrega a sus domicilios.
Para la sustentación de este proyecto se han realizado múltiples experimentos. En primer lugar, se ha validado que de verdad existe la necesidad antes comentada. Luego, se validó las posibles soluciones y los concierge del proyecto. Finalmente, lo que nos resultó más importante fue validar el canal de atención y comunicación con nuestros clientes; al igual que validar las intenciones de compra.
Teniendo esto en cuenta, ponemos a disposición de los lectores tomar como ejemplo nuestro proyecto para futuras ideas de negocio que puedan ser sostenibles en el tiempo y que sean innovadoras en todo sentido.
The digital world is in continuous development and every time it presents us with a series of options that satisfy the needs of the users. One of these needs is the acquisition of school and office supplies quickly and safely. It has happened to all of us that we require a school material immediately and we do not have a nearby place to buy it, which is why we created a business idea that satisfies that need. This idea was called UtilYa. The objective of this project is to provide Lima´s market with a valid option to purchase and distribute school and office supplies in a virtual way. With this we present a didactic space to buy supplies and we also offer our delivery service. Multiple experiments have been carried out to support this project. First of all, it has been validated that the need mentioned above really exists. Then, the possible solutions were validated and the way the project could be presented. Finally, what was most important to us was to validate the customer service and the communication channel; as well as validate purchase intentions. With this in mind, we make it available to readers to take as an example our project for future business ideas that can be sustainable over time and that are innovative in every way.
The digital world is in continuous development and every time it presents us with a series of options that satisfy the needs of the users. One of these needs is the acquisition of school and office supplies quickly and safely. It has happened to all of us that we require a school material immediately and we do not have a nearby place to buy it, which is why we created a business idea that satisfies that need. This idea was called UtilYa. The objective of this project is to provide Lima´s market with a valid option to purchase and distribute school and office supplies in a virtual way. With this we present a didactic space to buy supplies and we also offer our delivery service. Multiple experiments have been carried out to support this project. First of all, it has been validated that the need mentioned above really exists. Then, the possible solutions were validated and the way the project could be presented. Finally, what was most important to us was to validate the customer service and the communication channel; as well as validate purchase intentions. With this in mind, we make it available to readers to take as an example our project for future business ideas that can be sustainable over time and that are innovative in every way.
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Discipline: Administración y Negocios del Deporte; Administración y Agronegocios
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración y Negocios del Deporte; Bachiller en Administración y Agronegocios
Register date: 23-Oct-2019
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