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Cermeño, C., (2019). La compresión del cuidado infantil de voluntarios de un albergue de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cermeño, C., La compresión del cuidado infantil de voluntarios de un albergue de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "La compresión del cuidado infantil de voluntarios de un albergue de Lima",
author = "Cermeño Durand, Catherin Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Title: La compresión del cuidado infantil de voluntarios de un albergue de Lima
Other Titles: Comprehension of child care in volunteers of a shelter in Lima
Authors(s): Cermeño Durand, Catherin Patricia
Advisor(s): Flores Galindo Rivera, Carlos Raúl
Issue Date: 10-Apr-2019
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: La concepción del cuidado como un bien público posiciona a la sociedad como responsable del bienestar infantil. En ese sentido, surgen organizaciones sociales y comunitarias que buscan identificar y solucionar problemáticas relacionadas a la población infantil. Estas organizaciones cuentan con un grupo de trabajo de personas voluntarias que se aproximarán al trabajo del cuidado desde una comprensión particular y colectiva de dicho concepto. Es así como el objetivo de la investigación es comprender el cuidado infantil de voluntarios de un albergue de Lima. Para lo mencionado se empleó una metodología cualitativo hermenéutico coherente con el paradigma constructivista, el cual fue empleado para comprender la construcción de significados de los participantes. Se realizaron entrevistas semi estructuradas a ocho participantes. Se concluye que la comprensión del cuidado infantil del voluntario se retroalimenta desde dos vías. La primera de ellas implica los recursos teórico-práctico que permite la transformación continua de los esquemas previos de cuidado infantil que posee el voluntario. Por otro lado, la segunda vía dará cuenta del vínculo construido entre voluntario y beneficiario que, le permite al primero, conocer y acceder las necesidades del beneficiario y, así, otorgarles un óptimo cuidado.
Child care as a public wellness, positions society as responsible for child welfare. In this sense, arise social and community organizations which seek to identify and solve problems related to child population. These organizations have a working group of volunteers who will approach the work of care from a particular and collective comprehension of this concept. The aim of this research is to comprehend the child care of volunteers in a shelter in Lima. For this purpose, was used a hermeneutic qualitative methodology coherent with the constructivist paradigm was used, which was used to understand the meaning construction of the participants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants. In sum, the volunteers comprehend of child care is fed back in two ways. The first one involves the theoretical-practical resources that let the continuous transformation of the previous child care schemes of the volunteers. On the other hand, the second way considers the bond between volunteer and beneficiary, which allows the first, know and access the needs of the beneficiary and, thus, grant them optimum care.
Child care as a public wellness, positions society as responsible for child welfare. In this sense, arise social and community organizations which seek to identify and solve problems related to child population. These organizations have a working group of volunteers who will approach the work of care from a particular and collective comprehension of this concept. The aim of this research is to comprehend the child care of volunteers in a shelter in Lima. For this purpose, was used a hermeneutic qualitative methodology coherent with the constructivist paradigm was used, which was used to understand the meaning construction of the participants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants. In sum, the volunteers comprehend of child care is fed back in two ways. The first one involves the theoretical-practical resources that let the continuous transformation of the previous child care schemes of the volunteers. On the other hand, the second way considers the bond between volunteer and beneficiary, which allows the first, know and access the needs of the beneficiary and, thus, grant them optimum care.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Psicología
Grade or title: Psicólogo
Register date: 9-May-2019
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