Bibliographic citations
Espinoza, R., ZAPATA, J. (2017). Identificación de los Factores para el incremento de las importaciones de conservas de Atún Grated Florida desde Filipinas al Perú a partir de la experiencia de la Empresa Yichang CIA S.A durante los años 2015-2016. [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Espinoza, R., ZAPATA, J. Identificación de los Factores para el incremento de las importaciones de conservas de Atún Grated Florida desde Filipinas al Perú a partir de la experiencia de la Empresa Yichang CIA S.A durante los años 2015-2016. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2017.
title = "Identificación de los Factores para el incremento de las importaciones de conservas de Atún Grated Florida desde Filipinas al Perú a partir de la experiencia de la Empresa Yichang CIA S.A durante los años 2015-2016.",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2017"
The present work is a study that seeks to identify the factors that determine the increase of Florida canned grated tuna imports from the Philippines to Peru and from the experience of CIA S.A. Yichang Company between 2015 and 2016. In the first chapter, we include aspects related to tuna such as kinds, characteristics, displacement, extraction and benefits of canned grated tuna. In addition, it analyzes the legal framework that are the procedures and requirements that regulate imports from the Philippines to Peru. It closes up with a study of the business organization by revising the forces and tendencies of the market that allows a greater growth of the imported product from the experience of Yichang CIA S.A In the second chapter, it refers to the methodological framework where the purpose and type of qualitative research are proposed, as well as some semi structured questions are used to carry out the interviews and to collect suitable and necessary information for this investigation. The third chapter presents a qualitative analysis of the interview data where categories and segments are used to analyze information. In the fourth chapter, we discuss the results that show details on the findings, barriers and gaps of the research. Finally, the conclusions of the research related to the hypotheses, raised in the investigation, are presented. Closing up with recommendations based on the topic presented.
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