Bibliographic citations
Navarro, A., Ochoa, J., Riega, L. (2017). Beneficios esperados de aplicar un programa de reverse mentoring en fábrica peruana Eternit S.A. [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Navarro, A., Ochoa, J., Riega, L. Beneficios esperados de aplicar un programa de reverse mentoring en fábrica peruana Eternit S.A. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2017.
title = "Beneficios esperados de aplicar un programa de reverse mentoring en fábrica peruana Eternit S.A.",
author = "Riega Vergiu, Luis Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2017"
Reverse mentoring is a contemporary tool inspired by the traditional mentoring program and is suitable for use in any management and could be led by the Human Resources management. The current globalized context and the constant technological change generates an important opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge of young workers who are naturally more exposed to technology, offering the option to the positions of greater hierarchy in the organization, who generally possess less exposure to the technological improvements, to learn about the new digital applications. On one side, there is the millennials generation, which are characterized by being laboriously volatile, having the need to be constantly motivated, a desire for empowerment and participation of business decisions and for having abilities regarding on new technology. Likewise, there are previous generations, such as the Baby Boomers generation and X generation, who have limited knowledge regarding technological tools and must assimilate generational differences. In the light of this, the present research aims to identify what benefits arise from the interaction between the millennials generation and the previous generations, being the age ranges developed afterwards. This begins with the basic concepts to be considered for the development of reverse mentoring as a tool, followed by an analysis of the results obtained from the surveys, the first one about knowledge and use of technology, and the other one of job satisfaction, and finally presenting the conclusions and recommendations found.
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