Bibliographic citations
Naveda, J., (2016). Los servicios de regulación y supervisión del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público - OSITRAN en el Perú [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Naveda, J., Los servicios de regulación y supervisión del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público - OSITRAN en el Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2016.
title = "Los servicios de regulación y supervisión del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversion en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público - OSITRAN en el Perú",
author = "Naveda Bautista, Julio César",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2016"
The study focuses on analysis and Regulatory Services Supervision Supervisory Agency for Investment in transport infrastructure use public-OSITRAN in Peru, from this analysis the diagnosis of the factors of production services develops in question allowing propose a technical solution to the identified problem situation by developing the PIP entitled: "Improvement Services Regulation and Supervision of the Supervisory Board for Investment in Public Transport Infrastructure use -OSITRAN- in Peru" By SNIP methodology of the study of supply and projected demand was made, which was determined based on the number of supervisions for each type of transport infrastructure for public use. They are analyzed and evaluated three alternative solutions: Purchase and Conditioning Institutional Headquarters, Purchase Land and Building Institutional Headquarters and Headquarters Institutional rental. 3 were evaluated technical alternatives and financially resulting in a better indicator of social return the first alternative comprising the following components: Component 01: Purchase Offices and conditioning.- part of an office building will be acquired, as required architectural proposal that reflects the future need for spaces recital 306 people, determining a total of 6279.18 m2 4684.17 m2 of which they are gross area Total roofed office and 1595 m2 of total gross area covered parking .. The proposal then includes office areas and parking (66 parking lots). The conditioning according to the needs of the project (delivery state offices Component 02: Technology Platform (Information System) .- It consists of the implementation of the following systems: Integrated System DocumentaL, Digital, System Design and modeling and implementation of processes, System Budget Formulation and monitoring the Annual Plan Monitoring and Control (Control Investment in concessions) Formulation and evaluation System Planning, System users' attention and conflict resolution and management system, monitoring and inquiries contributions by regulation. Component 03: Technology and Equipment includes 134 mobiliario.- Computers, Laptops 86, 15 Lap Top. Equipment for in situ rooms for multifunctional and multimedia room training equipment, equipment for scanning area. Support Data Center and its equipment; and the need of furniture entity Component 04: Development and Strengthening of Capacidades.- The program consists of two levels: The Technical Assistance is designed for 40 people linked to the area of supervision and regulation and internships for staff associated with new concession contracts that require a high level of specialization, which will be given abroad. The project involves a total investment of S /. 60,001,898.59 (chosen alternative) of news suns at private prices and includes the development of the components mentioned in this study, in order to meet the demands of service quality regulation and supervision of the transport infrastructure of public use concessioned. The evaluation method used in this study has been to cost-effectiveness, being chosen as the winning that alternative with the lowest ratio referred indicator. The current value of the flow of social costs (VACS) Alternative 1 (chosen alternative) is S /. 90,151,501.71 for evaluation horizon of 13 years to obtain a cost effectiveness of S / ratio. 2118.47 to level of 42.555 supervisions.
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