Bibliographic citations
Napán, K., (2016). Asociación del nivel de ansiedad - estado de los alumnos de odontología con el tipo de tratamiento dental realizado a los niños de 5 a 12 años en la clínica docente de la UPC [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Napán, K., Asociación del nivel de ansiedad - estado de los alumnos de odontología con el tipo de tratamiento dental realizado a los niños de 5 a 12 años en la clínica docente de la UPC [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2016.
title = "Asociación del nivel de ansiedad - estado de los alumnos de odontología con el tipo de tratamiento dental realizado a los niños de 5 a 12 años en la clínica docente de la UPC",
author = "Napán Arcos, Kiara Sophia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2016"
Objective: This study was aimed at associating the level of State- Anxiety of Odontology students with the kind of dental treatment provided to children aged 5 to 12 years. Materials and Methods: The anxiety was mesured with the scale STAI Y1 from the State – Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Visual Analogue Scale for anxiety (VAS-A). The sample was composed of 33 students belonging to the Odontology Degree Program. These students were evaluated before carrying out treatments such as prophylaxis, fluorine, sealants, restorations with local anesthesia, and pulp treatments. Results: Out of the total number of students evaluated, 69.7% were women and 30.3% were men; 132 inventories were developed. Statiscally significant association were found (p<0.05) between the level of anxiety caused by the four treatments performance according to the STAI Y1 and VAS-A and, as a result, a greater number of students with medium and high level of State - Anxiety before carrying out pulp treatments and restorations with local anesthesia and qualified very anxious before pulp treatments. By associating the level of State - Anxiety of students with the patients age, the levels that prevailed were medium and high before treating patients aged between 5 to 9 years. Conclusion: We can conclude that students had a medium and high level of State - Anxiety before carrying out pulp treatments and restaorations with local anesthesia and they were qualified as very anxious before pulp treatments.
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