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Title: Factores que intervienen en la configuración del proyecto de vida de los jóvenes de las organizaciones - distrito de Laredo
Advisor(s): Vigo Murga, Evert Arturo
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.04.03
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Abstract: El propósito de la investigación es identificar y caracterizar, los ámbitos y factores que intervienen en el proyecto de vida de la juventud organizada del distrito de Laredo, las limitaciones y posibilidades que los jóvenes tienen para lograr metas y planes de vida, así como presentar un panorama de su desenvolvimiento e involucramiento en las diferentes organizaciones. La juventud es una etapa crucial de la vida de todo ser humano, en la cual el individuo se plantea y define su proyecto de vida a corto y largo plazo y enfrenta complejos y nuevos desafíos. Indudablemente, los jóvenes son un factor concluyente en el cambio social, el desarrollo económico y el progreso técnico, no sólo porque en la actualidad representan más del 25% de la población peruana, sino fundamentalmente, porque su imaginación, ideales, perspectivas y energía resultan imprescindibles para el desarrollo de la sociedad actual. La investigación se sostiene en una concepción hermenéutica, en la que los métodos de recolección permiten acceder a datos para ser observados, descritos e interpretados. El método etnográfico ha permitido recopilar la información a través de la técnica de la observación sistemática, entrevistas y análisis documental, el método inductivo ha utilizado el razonamiento para obtener conclusiones que parten de hechos particulares de los jóvenes que participan de las organizaciones juveniles, con el método analítico -sintético se ha investigado los hechos, partiendo de la descomposición de cada una de sus partes, para estudiarla de forma individual ( análisis) y luego de integrarlas hacerlo de manera holística (síntesis).

ABSTRACT The purpose of the research is to identify and characterize the areas and factors involved in the organized youth life project of the Laredo district, the limitations and possibilities that young people have to achieve goals and life plans, as well as how to present an overview of their development and involvement in the different organizations. The theme of youth was chosen, while research on this generational group becomes an indispensable resource when referring to development policies. Youth is a crucial stage in the life of every human being, in which the individual considers and defines his life project in the short and long term and faces complex and new challenges. Undoubtedly, young people are a conclusive factor in social change, economic development and technical progress, not only because they currently represent more than 25% of the Peruvian population, but fundamentally, because their imagination, ideals, perspectives and energy are essential for the development of today's society. The type of research is the map of actors. By the scope; It is micro level (bounded to a geographical district space). The main source of information was young people aged 15 to 24 in the Laredo district, based on the observation and analysis of their living conditions and their participation in youth organizations. Through inductive and deductive procedures, empirical information was obtained that contrasts the hypothesis, with bibliographic material (concepts and theories) that explain the object of study.The research is based on a hermeneutical conception, in which the collection methods allow access to data to be observed, described and interpreted. The ethnographic method has allowed the collection of information through the technique of systematic observation, interviews and documentary analysis, the inductive method has used reasoning to obtain conclusions based on particular facts of young people participating in youth organizations, with the analytical-synthetic method has investigated the facts, starting from the decomposition of each of its parts, to study it individually (analysis) and then integrate them in a holistic way (synthesis).
Discipline: Antropología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Grade or title: Licenciada en Antropología
Juror: Lavado Ibañez, Manuel Alfonso; Peláez Vinces, Edgard José; Vigo Murga, Evert Arturo
Register date:  11

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