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Title: Prácticas en la administración de multimicronutrientes en madres de niños menores de 2 años que acuden al Centro de Salud de Techo Obrero, Canchis, Cusco – 2018.
Advisor(s): Valencia García, Julio Cesar
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2018
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El estudio de investigación “Prácticas en la administración de multimicronutrientes en madres de niños menores de 2 años que acuden al Centro de Salud Techo Obrero”, se realizó con el objetivo de determinar las prácticas en la administración de multimicronutrientes, de diseño descriptivo y transversal, se llevó acabo en una población de 80 madres. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: 36% de madres tienen más de 31 años, 62% son convivientes, 38% tienen un hijo, 33% con secundaria incompleta, 36% tienen ingreso económico familiar mensual menos de 300 soles, 56% son amas de casa. De las prácticas de la administración de chispitas la recepción oportuna 91%, cantidad adecuada 96%, almacenan en la cocina 49%, 64% administran con alimentos semisólidos, 91% con 2 cucharadas, 79% a temperatura tibia, e inmediato 81%, administra a su niño un sobre de 1 gramo diario 66%, desechan sobre de chispitas que queda 33%, nunca les hizo mal la chispita 49%, presentan coloración oscura en las heces 52%, les aumenta el apetito 44%, similares resultados obtuvieron en el nivel de conocimientos sobre suplementación con multimicronutrientes, en cuanto a la entrega de número de sobres, la administración de 1gramo diario de chispita que le atribuye a los mismos la coloración verduzca de las heces, lo cual es erróneo. En conclusión las prácticas de las madres en ninguno de los ítems alcanzan al porcentaje adecuado, lo que implica reforzar la educación y sensibilización a las madres sobre la importancia de la administración adecuada de las chispitas.

The Practical study of investigation In the administration of multimicronutrientes and iron (little sparks) referred by younger children's mothers of 2 years than attend I Roof To the Health Care Facility Obrero, it came true for the sake of determining the practices in multimicronutrientes's administration and iron (little sparks), you had a descriptive design and side road, you got completion in 80 mothers' population of younger children of 2 years. The results evidenced that the majority reciprocates her love to the group bigger etario of 31 elderly years, of civil status convenient, a in number of children between 1 to 2, the majority with grade of instruction of incomplete secondary school and, 300 and s come from Techo Obrero's community, with a cost-reducing family entrance of s,500 and over half as much they are householders. Of the practices of the administration of little sparks, you get close to the 100 % the I pick up opportune and the adequate quantity, the majority, put the little spark in the kitchen, most things you administrate between the morning and the lunch, less than one half 3 spoonful’s are administered with semisolid foodstuff and with solo almost the 100 % and over to lukewarm temperature and immediately over half as much you administrate an envelope of 1 daily gram to his little boy, over the envelopes of little sparks that are left over, one half minus 1 discard the fourth part of the mothers they refer that you never made the little spark wrong for them and They present dark coloration in the feces, a little more than the half and they refer less than one half the fact that which increases their appetite, similar results got in the level of knowledge on supplementation with multimicronutrients, as to the delivery check of the feces from number of envelopes, the administration of daily 1gramo of little spark of little spark that you attribute him to the multimicronutrients the coloration, is erroneous. In conclusion the 100 % is the practices of the mothers of the younger children of 2 years in multimicronutrients administration in no one of the items that implies to reinforce the education to the mothers on the importance of the administration made suitable of the little sparks.
Discipline: Enfermería
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Licenciada en Enfermería
Register date: 27-Jun-2019

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