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Title: Enfoque comunicativo textual y su relación con la redacción de textos argumentativos en los estudiantes del V Ciclo de la I.E. Nro. 56025 del distrito de Maranganí- Canchis 2021-2022
Advisor(s): Quispe Berrios, Haydee
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.03.00
Issue Date: 21-Feb-2023
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El presente estudio destaca las dificultades y el poco interés que tienen los estudiantes del V ciclo de educación primaria para redactar textos y especialmente argumentativos , que a todas luces exige la habilidad de exponer ideas, sustentar mediante argumentos nacidos de su propia realidad sociocultural, económica, natural y geográfica; es decir, hoy en día los estudiantes no tienen que estudiar temas de gramática, lenguaje de manera aislada; pues, tienen que aprender a comunicarse en situaciones reales, de acuerdo a los diferentes problemas, necesidades e inquietudes que se les presente en la familia, la escuela y la comunidad; desarrollando las competencias: se comunica oralmente en su lengua materna, lee diversos tipos de textos en lengua materna y escribe diversos tipos de textos en lengua materna, así como se prevé en la Programación Curricular de Educación Primaria del 2016 . Esta competencia se debe lograr poniendo en práctica los aportes teóricos del enfoque comunicativo textual en la enseñanza a aprendizaje del área de Comunicación. En suma, se ha planteado el problema ¿Cuál es nivel de relación del enfoque comunicativo textual y la redacción de textos argumentativos en los estudiantes del V ciclo de la Institución Educativa Nro. 56025 del distrito de Maranganí de la provincia de Canchis 2021-2022 ?, cuyo campo de estudio está enmarcado en la didáctica y la lingüística, basado precisamente en la teoría Constructivista de Piaget, la teoría socio constructivista de Vigotsky, la teoría lingüística del enfoque comunicativo textual; lo que ha permitido formular la hipótesis: Existe una relación positiva alta entre el enfoque comunicativo textual y la redacción de textos argumentativos en los estudiantes del V ciclo de la Institución Educativa 56025 del distrito de Maranganí de la provincia de Canchis 2021- 2022.

The present study highlights the difficulties and the little interest that the students of the V cycle of primary education have to write texts and especially argumentative texts, which clearly requires the ability to present ideas, support them through arguments born of their own sociocultural, economic, natural and geographical; that is to say, today students do not have to study grammar and language issues in isolation, but rather they have to learn to communicate in real situations, according to the different problems, needs and concerns that arise in the family, the school and the community; developing skills: communicates orally in their mother tongue, reads various types of texts in the mother tongue and writes various types of texts in the mother tongue, as provided for in the 2016 Primary Education Curriculum Programming. This competence must be achieved by putting into practice the theoretical contributions of the textual communicative approach in the teaching-learning area of Communication. In short, the problem has been raised: What is the level of relationship between the textual communicative approach and the writing of argumentative texts in the students of the V cycle of the Educational Institution No. 56025 of the Maranganí district of the province of Canchis 2021-2022? , whose field of study is framed in didactics and linguistics, based precisely on Piaget's Constructivist theory, Vygotsky's socio-constructivist theory, the linguistic theory of the textual communicative approach; what has allowed to formulate the hypothesis: There is a high positive relationship between the textual communicative approach and the writing of argumentative texts in the students of the V cycle of the Educational Institution 56025 of the district of Maranganí of the province of Canchis 2021-2022. Under the guidance of this hypothesis, it has been found during the investigation that 48% of students in the sample who are finishing the V cycle of primary education are at the initial level of handling the textual communicative approach and the writing of argumentative texts. , while in a minimum percentage of 4.5% it has been located at the satisfactory level in both study variables; but it was shown that there is a positive relationship between the variables of the textual communicative approach and the writing of argumentative texts. This demands that the Ministry of Education implement consolidation and demonstration workshops for primary school teachers to improve their handling of the textual communicative approach and thus be able to efficiently and effectively lead students towards the writing of argumentative texts and other types of texts in mother tongue.
Discipline: Educación Especialidad Inicial-Primaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades
Grade or title: Licenciado en Educación Especialidad Inicial y Primaria
Juror: Huamanga Gamarra, Zoraida; Dueñas Aguilar, Sherezada; Rojas Anaya, Yanina; Loaiza Ortiz, Zoraida
Register date: 13-Jul-2023

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