Bibliographic citations
Huamán, E., (2022). Conocimiento de la Música Tradicional e Identidad Cultural en los estudiantes de la Banda Sinfónica de la Institución Educativa Gran Unidad Escolar “Leoncio Prado”, Huánuco – 2020 [Universidad Nacional "Daniel Alomía Robles"].
Huamán, E., Conocimiento de la Música Tradicional e Identidad Cultural en los estudiantes de la Banda Sinfónica de la Institución Educativa Gran Unidad Escolar “Leoncio Prado”, Huánuco – 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional "Daniel Alomía Robles"; 2022.
title = "Conocimiento de la Música Tradicional e Identidad Cultural en los estudiantes de la Banda Sinfónica de la Institución Educativa Gran Unidad Escolar “Leoncio Prado”, Huánuco – 2020",
author = "Huamán Palacios, Enma Liliana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional "Daniel Alomía Robles"",
year = "2022"
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Knowledge of Traditional Music and the Cultural Identity in the students of the Symphonic Band of the Educational Institution Great School Unit "Leoncio Prado", Huánuco - 2020. The research is framed within the quantitative approach, it is of a basic type, with a correlational descriptive level and a non-experimental design. The population and the census sample consisted of 50 students of the Symphonic Band of the I.E. GUE “Leoncio Prado”. Two Online Questionnaires were used for data collection, for which it was validated by expert judgment, then reliability was determined by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, which yielded a value of 0.822 for the Online Questionnaire to Measure Knowledge of Traditional Music; and a value of 0.824 for the Online Questionnaire to Measure Cultural Identity. It was evidenced when correlating the variables that there is a significant correlation, evaluated by Spearman's Rho statistical test (p-value=0.000 <0.05; Rho = 0.870). The investigation concluded that there is a very strong positive significant correlation between the variables knowledge of traditional music and cultural identity in the students of the symphonic band of the Educational Institution Great School Unit "Leoncio Prado", Huánuco - 2020
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