Bibliographic citations
Robledo, L., (2022). La economía conductual como instrumento de gestión pública para la atención de las denuncias ambientales en el Perú. [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Robledo, L., La economía conductual como instrumento de gestión pública para la atención de las denuncias ambientales en el Perú. []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "La economía conductual como instrumento de gestión pública para la atención de las denuncias ambientales en el Perú.",
author = "Robledo Martinez, Lucía Azucena",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
In 2018, only 65% of the Environmental Control Entities (hereinafter EFAs) competent to take action against non-compliance with environmental obligations, provided the information requested by the Environmental Assessment and Control Agency (OEFA) to address environmental complaints filed by citizens. However, the entities that did respond did so well beyond the legally established deadline. The present work of professional competence will detail how this problem was faced, using strategies of Behavioral Economics, following the procedure established by the working group, Behavioral Economics of OEFA (herein after, Be Oefa), which is in charge of exploring cost-efficient solution alternatives. After analyzing the reasons that explained the behavior of the EFAs' public officials, a strategy was proposed that would push them to the desired behavior. This strategy consisted of redesigning the formats used to send environmental complaints to the public entities in charge of dealing with them, including behavioral mechanisms and tools. This solution was tested through an experiment designed to measure the impact on the behavior of two variables: percentage of responses and average response time. The results of the analysis showed that there was an isolated impact of a 12% increase in the response rate and a decrease in response time of 19 working days for the EFAs that received the redesigned form.
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