Bibliographic citations
Candell, J., (2017). Diversificación de cultivos y tipificación de sistemas para la sustentabilidad en el área de influencia del trasvase Santa Elena, Ecuador [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Candell, J., Diversificación de cultivos y tipificación de sistemas para la sustentabilidad en el área de influencia del trasvase Santa Elena, Ecuador [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2017.
title = "Diversificación de cultivos y tipificación de sistemas para la sustentabilidad en el área de influencia del trasvase Santa Elena, Ecuador",
author = "Candell Soto, Jaime Enrique Jimmy",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2017"
This research involves three steps. In the first step a diagnosis of the percentage of the vegetation cover in the area of influence of the “Santa Elena Aqueduct Hydraulic- Project (PHASE)”, in the Province of Santa Elena Ecuador, was made. To do this, available national coverage maps for the years 1982, 1990, 2012 and 2015, provided by the Military Geographic Institute of Ecuador (IGM), were used. Productivity and diversification of existent crops were identified and then the type of species and their frequencies were analyzed. In the second step, the types of existing farms were identified using the methodology proposed by the International Network of Research Methodologies Production Systems (RIMISP). Finally, in the third step, sustainability indicators for each farm type were evaluated using the MESMIS methodology. There is a very weak correlation between variables: number of years and percentage of vegetation cover (r = 0.236). This means that, although the hydraulic project was implemented in 1995, from 1982 to 2015 there is no direct relationship between years and the gain or loss of vegetation cover present in the study area. A total of 45 plant species were identified, those of which were sub-divided into six productive agricultural species types: fruit crops, pastures, annual crops, perennial crops, horticultural crops and forest crops. Overall, cassava crop had the highest frequency among farmers (17) followed by maize (16) and plum (14). Therefore they were considered the main crops used in the area for diversification purposes. Results of classification analysis of farms identified: 5 main components which included 18 variables: 11 quantitative and 7 qualitative. The existence of 2 farm types with marked differences between them was determined. In the family economics and social components, there were marked differences for all variables. Within the agricultural, technological and management components, there were no differences among the considered variables. For the type of production component, there were differences in the dominant production system variable, but not for the production conditioning factors variable. It is expected that these results are useful so relevant agencies in the province of Santa Elena implement these strategies for each group of farms with the aim of achieving transfer efficiency. The analysis of sustainability indicators, show that both farm types (I and II) are open systems, since they maintain interactions with the outside (inputs and outputs), and there is flow of matter, energy and information. The overall average sustainability for farms type I in 2015 was 0.47, a value that indicates an average level of sustainability. The overall average sustainability for type II farms in 2015 was 0.45, a value that also indicates an average level of sustainability. Each farm type has different critical points according to the sustainability analysis. Very low and low sustainability levels are the identified critical points. For farm type I indicators correspond to the following: time of system implementation (0.32), percentage of attendance at meetings (0.29), family people who provide economical support (0.4), channel options for products marketing (0.15) and number of varieties of each implemented species (0.19). For type II farms very low and low sustainability indicators were: cost / profit ratio (0.4), processing and product transformation (0.1), anticipated sales of products (0.3), fertilizations according to a soil test (0.22 ), access to agricultural innovations (0.33), channel options for products marketing, number of varieties of each implemented species (0.3), knowledge generation and practices (0.39), constant training (0.3), integration of long term decisionmaking team (0.3), changes in the number of producers, (0.21), IPM practices (0.41) and soil biological activity (0.38).
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