Bibliographic citations
Valdez, J., (1999). Determinación de la calidad sensorial de palitos de maíz con sabor a queso mediante el método del perfil de textura del consumidor [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Valdez, J., Determinación de la calidad sensorial de palitos de maíz con sabor a queso mediante el método del perfil de textura del consumidor [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 1999.
title = "Determinación de la calidad sensorial de palitos de maíz con sabor a queso mediante el método del perfil de textura del consumidor",
author = "Valdez Arana, Jenny del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "1999"
The reported research consists of consumer texture profile and texture profile sensory evaluation techniques applied on cheese flavored corn sticks in order to determine its sensory quality and shelf life for this snack. A trained panel was established to obtain sensory glossaries in technical and popular terms and the texture profile. The glossary of sensory textural characteristics in technical terms for the three masticatory stages consists of hardness, cohesiveness and initial adhesiveness for the inicial stage; crispness, roughness, sponginess, masticatory adhesiveness, salivation, masticatory granularity and chewability for the masticatory stage; residual granularity and oiliness for the residual stage. The selected sensory scale, of the non structured kind, consisted of a 10 cm continuous line with the extremes labeled left to right “not at all” and “very much so” according to referential food. The texture profiles for the Krimpi, Chipy and Sechi brands of cheese flavored corn sticks were determined by means of a trained panel showing a certain similarity among the three profiles. The glossary of textural characteristics in popular terms obtained by the trained panel consists of: brittle, crispy, fresh, crunchy, rough, porous, sticks to teeth, mouth watering, easy to crumble, grainy, easy to swallow and oily. The consumer texture profiles for Krimpi, Chipy and Sechi brands and also for the ideal product were determined. A remarkable similarity among the three brands and a susbstantial difference with the ideal were found. Proof for the usefulness of the consumer texture profile in quality assurance for the product under test was provided because of its allowance to predict shelf life on a sensory perspective. This shelf life, determined for the Krimpi brand extends up to seven (07) weeks at maximum. Analitical verification with zero order quality deterioration was performed with the same results
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