Bibliographic citations
Inga, J., (2021). Control de la capacidad infectiva de Meloidoyne incognita utilizando un reactor fotocatalítico solar con dióxido de titanio [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Inga, J., Control de la capacidad infectiva de Meloidoyne incognita utilizando un reactor fotocatalítico solar con dióxido de titanio []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2021.
title = "Control de la capacidad infectiva de Meloidoyne incognita utilizando un reactor fotocatalítico solar con dióxido de titanio",
author = "Inga López, Jesarella Emma",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2021"
Irrigation water is one of the most important pathogenic contamination vectors in various crops, one of these pathogens is Meloidogyne, it is a nematode that affects the plant roots, reducing significantly the crop productivity. This investigation aim to evaluate the solar reactor with titanium dioxide photocatalytic effect on the infective capacity of the nematode Meloidogyne incognita contained in water. To test this, the first step was evaluated the juvenile survival capacity in three different solutions: irrigation water, well water and nutritive solution. After that, the motility of the larvae and the hatching of eggs in water were evaluated during different treatment times with the reactor. Finally, the infective capacity nematode on hydroponic lettuces was evaluated after it was treated with the reactor. The response variables were leaf and root dry weight, number of leaves and degree of galling. All data were analysis using means comparison of the Tukey test, Student's t test and MannWhitney. In the first test, the highest survival percentage was obtained with well water and the lowest percentage with nutrient solution. In the second test, the total larvae motility inhibition was achieved 40 treatment minutes with the reactor and the hatching inhibition after 2 treatment hours. Finally, in the infective capacity test, it evidenced that after the water with nematodes was treated with the reactor, a lower degree of galling was achieved, as well as a higher dry weight of the leaf and root area.
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