Bibliographic citations
Llaro, J., (2018). Elaboración de trozos de bonito (Sarda chiliensis chiliensis) salados, deshidratados, ahumados y envasado al vacío [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Llaro, J., Elaboración de trozos de bonito (Sarda chiliensis chiliensis) salados, deshidratados, ahumados y envasado al vacío [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Elaboración de trozos de bonito (Sarda chiliensis chiliensis) salados, deshidratados, ahumados y envasado al vacío",
author = "Llaro Rubiños, Joselin Tatiana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
The aim of this study was to elaborate a food product that satisfies the requirements of the consumer (easy to use, nice flavor, nutritive, excellent presentation and a long shelf life), based on white Eastern Pacific bonito clear muscle (Sarda chiliensis chiliensis). Conservation processes which the raw material was subjected were: salted, dehydrated, smoked and vacuum packed. To determine the parameters of the process of salting, dehydration and smoking, different treatments were tested, which were sensory evaluated by a semi-trained panel in order to determine the greatest preference among them, obtaining the following results: immersion time in brine (4 minutes), drying time (2 hours) and smoking time (20 minutes). Processing flow for salted, dehydrated, smoked and vacuum packed white tuna chunks included the following operations: stunning, cleaning, gutting, slicing to steaks, second cleaning, cutting, salting, draining, dehydration, smoking, cooling, packaging and storage. Chlorides penetration in 8 minutes was 2,36% NaCl and drying speed was 0,1951Kgagua/m2. The final product presented moisture content (39.2%), protein content (50.9%), fat content (2.8%) and ash content (7.1%). Microbiological analysis showed results under suggested values by the Directorial Resolution Nº20-2016-SANIPESDSNPA, confirming the hygienic conditions in its elaboration. Likewise, the product was submitted to a sensory analysis by 40 panelists, showing as a result an acceptability of its sensory properties as follows: Flavor: 85%, consistency: 77,5%, smell: 90%, color: 95% and general appearance: 80,0%. The product presented a yield of 16,37% and very good organoleptic characteristics, chemical and microbiological after 30 days of storage at environmental conditions
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