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Quispe, E., Zuñiga, Y. (2024). Revisión de Mentha spicata (hierba buena) de interés farmacéutico marzo – agosto,2023 [Universidad María Auxiliadora].
Quispe, E., Zuñiga, Y. Revisión de Mentha spicata (hierba buena) de interés farmacéutico marzo – agosto,2023 []. PE: Universidad María Auxiliadora; 2024.
title = "Revisión de Mentha spicata (hierba buena) de interés farmacéutico marzo – agosto,2023",
author = "Zuñiga Serna,Yudith Diliana",
publisher = "Universidad María Auxiliadora",
year = "2024"
Title: Revisión de Mentha spicata (hierba buena) de interés farmacéutico marzo – agosto,2023
Other Titles: Review of Mentha spicata (good herb) of pharmaceutical interest march – august, 2023
Advisor(s): Alguiar Bernaola, Luz Rocio
Keywords: Fitoquímicas; Farmacológicas; Toxicológicas; M. spicata; Phytochemical; Toxicological; Pharmacological
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 26-Mar-2024
Institution: Universidad María Auxiliadora
Abstract: En el presente estudio se investigaron las propiedades fitoquímicas farmacológicas y toxicológicas de la Mentha spicata para determinar diferentes beneficios para la salud. Se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando el método PICO en los buscadores PUBMED, SCIELO y GOOGLE ACADÉMICO,
encontrando 23,786 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 60 artículos Se seleccionaron y revisaron críticamente 20 artículos en su aspecto fitoquímico, 20 artículos en su aspecto farmacológico y 20 artículos en su aspecto toxicológico. A nivel fitoquímico se determinó que el aceite esencial de Mentha spicata tiene como componentes principales y mayoritario a la carvona y limoneno estos serían los responsables de los efectos farmacológicos como son los efectos antioxidantes, anticancerígenos, antimicrobianos y antinflamatorios. Es importante destacar que las investigaciones toxicológicas de Mentha spicata muestran la seguridad de esta especie en diferentes dosis y varios períodos de uso, lo que justifica su uso en la medicina tradicional, además de que la Mentha spicata tiene efecto fumigante contra insectos. Los hallazgos de esta revisión sistemática demuestran que las propiedades fitoquímicas, farmacológicas y toxicológicas de la Mentha spicata respaldan su uso tradicional, y se basaría en sus principios activos como son la carvona y limoneno.
In the present study, the pharmacological and toxicological phytochemical properties of Mentha spicata were investigated to determine different health benefits. A systematic review was carried out using the PICO method in the PUBMED, SCIELO and GOOGLE ACADEMIC search engines, finding 23,786 articles, of which 60 articles were selected. 20 articles were selected and critically reviewed in their phytochemical aspect, 20 articles in their pharmacological aspect and 20 articles in their toxicological aspect. At a phytochemical level, it was determined that the essential oil of Mentha spicata has carvone and limonene as its main and majority components, these would be responsible for the pharmacological effects such as antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is important to highlight that toxicological investigations of Mentha spicata show the safety of this species in different doses and various periods of use, which justifies its use in traditional medicine, in addition to the fact that Mentha spicata has a fumigant effect against insects. The findings of this systematic review demonstrate that the phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of Mentha spicata support its traditional use, and would be based on its active ingredients such as carvone and limonene.
In the present study, the pharmacological and toxicological phytochemical properties of Mentha spicata were investigated to determine different health benefits. A systematic review was carried out using the PICO method in the PUBMED, SCIELO and GOOGLE ACADEMIC search engines, finding 23,786 articles, of which 60 articles were selected. 20 articles were selected and critically reviewed in their phytochemical aspect, 20 articles in their pharmacological aspect and 20 articles in their toxicological aspect. At a phytochemical level, it was determined that the essential oil of Mentha spicata has carvone and limonene as its main and majority components, these would be responsible for the pharmacological effects such as antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is important to highlight that toxicological investigations of Mentha spicata show the safety of this species in different doses and various periods of use, which justifies its use in traditional medicine, in addition to the fact that Mentha spicata has a fumigant effect against insects. The findings of this systematic review demonstrate that the phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of Mentha spicata support its traditional use, and would be based on its active ingredients such as carvone and limonene.
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Discipline: Farmacia y Bioquímica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad María Auxiliadora. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud.
Grade or title: Químico Farmacéutico
Juror: La Serna La Rosa, Pablo Antonio; Dionicio Escalante, Elisa Roxana; Siancas Tao, Norio Salvador
Register date: 18-Apr-2024
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