Bibliographic citations
Ttica, R., (2022). Análisis comparativo del acero post ejecución frente al modelado BIM de acero con revit y cutlogic considerando variaciones implícitas en el habilitado [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Ttica, R., Análisis comparativo del acero post ejecución frente al modelado BIM de acero con revit y cutlogic considerando variaciones implícitas en el habilitado []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Análisis comparativo del acero post ejecución frente al modelado BIM de acero con revit y cutlogic considerando variaciones implícitas en el habilitado",
author = "Ttica Gonzalez, Rodrigo Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
The present research work addressed the issue of construction productivity, specifically the efficient use of construction steel of reinforced concrete items, applied to three projects in the city of Cusco built in the years 2020 and 2021. The main objective was to determine the percentage difference of the total kilograms of steel post-execution versus BIM modeling of steel with Revit and CutLogic considering implicit variations in the enabling. The methodology covered in this study has a quantitative approach of descriptive and exploratory level, whose methodological design is non-experimental with a transectional character. According to the analysis carried out, the results obtained show that the percentage difference of total kilograms of steel for project 1 has an excess use of the steel resource of 9.18%, project 2 has an excess use of the steel resource of 8.38% and project 3 has an excess use of the steel resource of 10.45%. At the end of the investigation, it was concluded that the weighted average of excess steel consumption is 9.21%, representing an average cost of s/15,449.18 soles for each building constructed by the companies.
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