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Ortega, M., Salazar, G. (2022). Estrategias de comunicación para acercar la ciencia a la población: caso EPP [Universidad de Lima].
Ortega, M., Salazar, G. Estrategias de comunicación para acercar la ciencia a la población: caso EPP []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2022.
title = "Estrategias de comunicación para acercar la ciencia a la población: caso EPP",
author = "Salazar Quiroz, Gerald Fernando",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2022"
Title: Estrategias de comunicación para acercar la ciencia a la población: caso EPP
Advisor(s): Barra Cortes, Ximena Beatriz
Keywords: Communication in science; Communication in education; Comunicación científica; Comunicación en educación
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: En el presente trabajo, abordamos la realización de visitas guiadas a los laboratorios de
dos centros de investigación en gestión del riesgo de desastres (GRD) en Lima Norte para
265 niños y la campaña de promoción de estas en las áreas de ingeniería antisísmica y
prevención hidráulica escolares de Lima Norte, para 112 universitarios y 29 responsables
de GRD de las municipalidades de Carabayllo, Puente Piedra, Los Olivos, San Martín de
Porres, Ancón, Santa Rosa e Independencia.
Mediante trabajo interdisciplinario realizado con el equipo técnico de los centros
de investigación, realizamos siete visitas guiadas buscando educar y sensibilizar sobre la
ciencia de la prevención y mitigación del riesgo de desastres. Estas visitas fueron
diseñadas por nosotros y consistieron en recorridos a través de los laboratorios donde se
hacen actividades de investigación y divulgación científica, incluyendo en estos puntos
la interacción con investigadores y jóvenes estudiantes de los centros de investigación
participantes: el Centro Peruano Japonés de Investigaciones Sísmicas y Mitigación de
Desastres (CISMID-UNI) y el Laboratorio Nacional de Hidráulica (LNH-UNI), ambos
parte de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI).
La experiencia nos indica el enorme potencial que tienen las visitas guiadas para
educar y promover actitudes positivas para el cambio social de la percepción de la ciencia,
y en particular, aquella referida a la gestión de riesgo de desastres por parte de la
población. Estas actividades de divulgación científica podrían convertirse en un campo
laboral para los comunicadores, de mantenerse la inversión en ciencia y tecnología que
el Estado ha venido realizando.
In the present work we present the realization of guided visits to the laboratories of two research centers in Disaster Risk Management, in Lima Norte to 265 children and the campaign to promote them in the areas of seismic engineering and hydraulic prevention students from Lima Norte, 112 university students and 29 workers from the municipalities of Carabayllo, Puente Piedra, Los Olivos, San Martín de Porres, Ancón, Santa Rosa and Independencia. Through interdisciplinary work with the technical team of the research centers we conducted six guided tours seeking to educate and raise awareness about the science of disaster risk prevention and mitigation. These visits were designed by us and consisted of tours through the laboratories where scientific research and dissemination activities are carried out, including at these points the interaction with researchers and young students from the participating research centers: the Peruvian Japanese Center for Seismic Research and Disaster Mitigation (CISMID-UNI) and the National Hydraulics Laboratory (NHL-UNI) are both part of the National University of Engineering (UNI). Experience shows us the enormous potential of guided tours to educate and promote positive attitudes for the social change in the perception of science, and in particular that related to disaster risk management, by the population. These science outreach activities could become a working path for communicators to maintain the state's investment in science and technology.
In the present work we present the realization of guided visits to the laboratories of two research centers in Disaster Risk Management, in Lima Norte to 265 children and the campaign to promote them in the areas of seismic engineering and hydraulic prevention students from Lima Norte, 112 university students and 29 workers from the municipalities of Carabayllo, Puente Piedra, Los Olivos, San Martín de Porres, Ancón, Santa Rosa and Independencia. Through interdisciplinary work with the technical team of the research centers we conducted six guided tours seeking to educate and raise awareness about the science of disaster risk prevention and mitigation. These visits were designed by us and consisted of tours through the laboratories where scientific research and dissemination activities are carried out, including at these points the interaction with researchers and young students from the participating research centers: the Peruvian Japanese Center for Seismic Research and Disaster Mitigation (CISMID-UNI) and the National Hydraulics Laboratory (NHL-UNI) are both part of the National University of Engineering (UNI). Experience shows us the enormous potential of guided tours to educate and promote positive attitudes for the social change in the perception of science, and in particular that related to disaster risk management, by the population. These science outreach activities could become a working path for communicators to maintain the state's investment in science and technology.
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Discipline: Comunicación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Comunicación.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Comunicación
Juror: Roeder Carbo, Estela; Perales Linares, Vanessa; Barra Cortes, Ximena Beatriz
Register date: 26-Oct-2022
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License