Bibliographic citations
Vera, M., (2023). Optimización de trayectoria de un robot móvil omnidireccional semiautónomo para la desinfección de ambientes con el uso de radiación UV tipo C [Tesis, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología].
Vera, M., Optimización de trayectoria de un robot móvil omnidireccional semiautónomo para la desinfección de ambientes con el uso de radiación UV tipo C [Tesis]. PE: Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología; 2023.
title = "Optimización de trayectoria de un robot móvil omnidireccional semiautónomo para la desinfección de ambientes con el uso de radiación UV tipo C",
author = "Vera Tudela Bustamante, Maria del Martin",
publisher = "Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología",
year = "2023"
Disinfection of environments, in the context of COVID-19, is important to contain the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Several researches have been developed in order to ensure the disinfection of surfaces by means of chemical inputs or disinfection machines that safeguard people’s health. In this sense, trajectory optimization is a methodology whose main objective is to generate a trajectory defined by a series of waypoints that ensures the avoidance of obstacles and guarantees the optimal route according to different objectives, which is why its application in the disinfection of environments is attractive due to the needs of its behavior. This work comprises the optimization of the disinfection trajectory of a semiautonomous omnidirectional mobile robot to maximize the UV-C dose delivered to the surfaces to ensure 99.9 % inactivation of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. For the navigation of the mobile robot, a map is pre-loaded where the robot can navigate, its location is obtained by odometry, trajectory generation is obtained with Dijkstra’s algorithm and, to achieve inactivation of the virus on the surfaces, waypoints were found by linear programming using the irradiation model. Disinfection validation was performed by off-line analysis of the dose delivered by UV-C lamps, located at the waypoints, to surfaces with UV-C sensitive colorimetric markers located in basement 1 of the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC).
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