Bibliographic citations
Challco, J., (2015). Factores asociados al incumplimiento de los pagos a cuentan del impuesto a la renta de primera categoría: arrendamiento de inmuebles en el centro comercial El Molino I del distrito de Santiago - Primer semestre del año 2014. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Challco, J., Factores asociados al incumplimiento de los pagos a cuentan del impuesto a la renta de primera categoría: arrendamiento de inmuebles en el centro comercial El Molino I del distrito de Santiago - Primer semestre del año 2014. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2015.
title = "Factores asociados al incumplimiento de los pagos a cuentan del impuesto a la renta de primera categoría: arrendamiento de inmuebles en el centro comercial El Molino I del distrito de Santiago - Primer semestre del año 2014.",
author = "Challco Huillcahuaman, Jakelinne",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2015"
Ignorance of the obligation to pay tax lease is an issue that is keen to citizens since it has a deficiency on the part of the tax collectors. With this research is to analyze what are the internal and external factors associated with compliance prepayments for property leases at the Mall are the Molino I thus propose strategies and increase the level of tax collection. If we analyze the internal factors which are understood by economic, social, psychological factors; and external factors including political, legal and organizational factors can see how they influence for not making payments to monthly income account first category. Our population will I lessors Mill Mall during the first half of 2014. We will use the following techniques in our research: Interview Surveys, Notes, signing, Questionnaire, Observation, Test The contribution of this work is the identification of factors associated with either internal or external, that SUNAT takes action and thus the level of tax evasion rents notch decrease in the city of Cusco, the tax base will expand, partners Mill mall I can avoid being penalized and fined by the SUNAT. If the collection of these taxes are evaded by most landlords will be invested in works of our country is done and can be included in government spending therefore decrease tax evasion.
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