Bibliographic citations
Parrales, M., Vidaurre, S. (2023). Adaptación y validación de la prueba RAN de prelectura en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03 [Tesis, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Parrales, M., Vidaurre, S. Adaptación y validación de la prueba RAN de prelectura en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2023.
title = "Adaptación y validación de la prueba RAN de prelectura en instituciones educativas de la UGEL 03",
author = "Vidaurre Andía, Solcire del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2023"
Rapid automatized naming is a strong predictor of future reading difficulties. Although there are a variety of tests to assess this skill, there is not a Peruvian standardized instrument that evaluates this ability. This research aims to establish the validity and reliability of the adaptation of Rapid Automatized Naming test (Acadience RAN- Spanish version) and to provide accurate normative data to interpret how this ability works. This study corresponds to descriptive research, instrumental type, with a non-experimental-cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 306 kindergarteners and first-grade students who belong to private schools of UGEL 03. The results of the study showed that the adaptation of the test has solid evidence of content validity (Aiken's V ˃.95). Likewise, the construct validity demonstrated a significant correlation between rapid automatized naming, time and accuracy in reading words and pseudowords (-.70˃ r ˃.70). The magnitude of test-retest reliability was interpreted as very high (r˃.90). Finally, a percentile scale allows the interpretation of RAN measures according to the normative data. The study concludes that the adaptation of this test can be applied to students with similar characteristics to those of the normative group because it has suitable psychometric properties.
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