Bibliographic citations
Frisancho, L., (2023). La conciliación como requisito de procedibilidad en el procedimiento administrativo en materia de protección al consumidor en el Perú [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Frisancho, L., La conciliación como requisito de procedibilidad en el procedimiento administrativo en materia de protección al consumidor en el Perú []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "La conciliación como requisito de procedibilidad en el procedimiento administrativo en materia de protección al consumidor en el Perú",
author = "Frisancho Roca, Leydi Ninoska",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
This research was aimed at determining why conciliation should be implemented as a procedural requirement in the administrative procedure regarding consumer protection. For such purposes, a methodology with a qualitative approach, a propositional dogmatic type and with a level of descriptive; which based on the data obtained from the doctrine as well as from the interviews with experts in the field, has allowed favorable results to be obtained that allow us to point out that the implementation of conciliation as a procedural requirement in the complaints filed for violations against the C.P.D.C., specifically because it contravenes consumer rights, it is necessary. Thus, its verification in the administrative procedure regarding consumer protection allows the resolution of the conflict efficiently since it allows the parties to reach a quick solution; It is also verified that the application of this mechanism radiates the principle of good administration and also promotes conflict resolution from a restorative perspective, materializing the culture of peace of the entire system.
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