Dumet, G., (2020). Truthmaking as Alethic-Fact Building [Central European University]. http://renati.sunedu.gob.pe/handle/sunedu/1607859
Dumet, G., Truthmaking as Alethic-Fact Building []. HU: Central European University; 2020. http://renati.sunedu.gob.pe/handle/sunedu/1607859
@mastersthesis{renati/2143, title = "Truthmaking as Alethic-Fact Building", author = "Dumet Delgado, Gabriel Abdel David", publisher = "Central European University", year = "2020" }
Abstract: Explora las concepciones de los “hacedores de verdad“ que utilizan el concepto de construcción de hechos aléticos. Se discierne entre características deseables de estas concepciones y se rechazan las indeseables. Se formula, además, una versión de este tipo de teorías y se la defiende frente a diversos argumentos.
The thesis explores alethic-fact building conceptions of truthmaking, discerning which features of them are desirable, and arguing against the non-desirable. It formulates a general sketch of a view called alethic-fact building. It responds to arguments against alethic-fact grounding.