Bibliographic citations
Bacilio, L., (2025). La parentalidad socio-afectividad y su impacto en la formación de vínculos filiales en las familias ensambladas: Una reflexión con miras al surgimiento de un eventual Derecho de Filiación para los hijos afines en el Perú [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Bacilio, L., La parentalidad socio-afectividad y su impacto en la formación de vínculos filiales en las familias ensambladas: Una reflexión con miras al surgimiento de un eventual Derecho de Filiación para los hijos afines en el Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2025.
title = "La parentalidad socio-afectividad y su impacto en la formación de vínculos filiales en las familias ensambladas: Una reflexión con miras al surgimiento de un eventual Derecho de Filiación para los hijos afines en el Perú",
author = "Bacilio Zavaleta, Liliana Maribel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2025"
This paper explores the Socio-affective Parenting Theory and its close relationship with the figure of the stepfamily from the perspective of filiation law. With the first ruling of the Constitutional Court Shols Pérez Case, Expediente 09332-2006-PA/TC (2007) that recognized stepfamilies in Peru, the legal link that emerges from the relationship between stepparent and stepchild has been questioned. Furthermore, when in this relationship affections, behaviours and attitudes arise that are typical of parental relationships, causing stepparents to assume parental roles typical of “biological parents”. Given this scenario, the phenomenon of parentality or socio-affective filiation has been reborn today, a figure that values the work of those who assume the voluntary paternity or maternity of a non-biological child of the family; allowing the filiation of the child to be determined from the previously constructed parental bond (that we currently know as: possession of the status), in which elements such as: family ties, cohabitation, will and identity are reflected; therefore leads us to question whether the stepparent–stepchild relationship could be found within the margins to be constituted as a socio-affective relationship and hence, be susceptible to becoming a filial relationship.
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