Bibliographic citations
Correa, L., (2023). Análisis y propuesta de mejora de los productos y servicios que ofrece la Estrategia Multisectorial Barrio Seguro del Ministerio del Interior para atender el factor de riesgo Falta de Oportunidades Laborales [Universidad del Pacífico].
Correa, L., Análisis y propuesta de mejora de los productos y servicios que ofrece la Estrategia Multisectorial Barrio Seguro del Ministerio del Interior para atender el factor de riesgo Falta de Oportunidades Laborales []. PE: Universidad del Pacífico; 2023.
title = "Análisis y propuesta de mejora de los productos y servicios que ofrece la Estrategia Multisectorial Barrio Seguro del Ministerio del Interior para atender el factor de riesgo Falta de Oportunidades Laborales",
author = "Correa Panduro, Luis Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad del Pacífico",
year = "2023"
The current document explores different management and marketing tools to apply them with the purpose of analyzing and establishing improvements in the services offered by the Safe Neighborhood Multisectoral Strategy to address the risk factor called "Lack of Job Opportunities". In this sense, the 5-level product model of Kotler and Keller has been used to generate a proposal that improves the productivity and employability of the populations residing in the areas prioritized by the aforementioned strategy, to mitigate the lack of job opportunities. validating this marketing tool for the analysis of a service design improvement plan for this purpose. The proposal seeks to provide an attractive service for the target audience because it brings together features, quality and costs required for the product or service for the well-being of the public and the community in general, for which it is concluded that the marketing approach allows the State to design an offer of services to meet the needs and desires of target beneficiaries.
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