Bibliographic citations
Huanambal, V., (2024). “Evaluación de una pasta dental experimental a base de quitosano y nano hidroxiapatita para la remineralización del esmalte dental. Estudio in vitro” [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Huanambal, V., “Evaluación de una pasta dental experimental a base de quitosano y nano hidroxiapatita para la remineralización del esmalte dental. Estudio in vitro” []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2024.
title = "“Evaluación de una pasta dental experimental a base de quitosano y nano hidroxiapatita para la remineralización del esmalte dental. Estudio in vitro”",
author = "Huanambal Tiravanti, Victor Abel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2024"
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the remineralizing effect of AN experimental toothpaste based on nanohydroxyapatite and chitosan (nHAP/Q), as an alternative to promote the remineralization of eroded bovine tooth enamel. The degree of mineralization was evaluated using RAMAN microscopy and the surface microhardness with Vickers. A base toothpaste (PDB) was formulated that acted as a vehicle for the remineralizing agents under experimentation. The following experimental pastes were prepared: PDB 80% + nHAp 10% + Chitosan 10% (Group 1), PDB 90%+ nHAp Argopten purpuratus Shell 10% (Group 2), PDB 90% + Chitosan 10% (Group 3), PDB 90%+ commercial nHAp 10% (Group 4). Two fluorinated commercial toothpastes with proven remineralizing activity were established as positive controls: Colgate total® (Group 5) and MI Paste PlusTM (Group 6). The following controls were also established: PDB 100% (Group 7), erosive cycle control, without pastes, and conserved in artificial saliva (Group 8), non-erosive cycle control, without pastes (Group 9), erosive cycle control, without pastes, conserved in distilled water (Group 10). 10 study groups were established with 10 bovine enamel samples each, all the specimens of all the groups except Group 9 received attacks with 0.5% citric acid for 2 min at 0, 8, 24 and 32 hours. After each acid attack, the toothpastes corresponding to each treatment group were applied, except for control groups 8, 9 and 10. The degree of mineralization was then evaluated using RAMAN microscopy and surface microhardness with Vickers. No significant differences (p>0.05) were found in the intensity of the phosphate ion using Raman v1, nor in the Vickers Hardness (kg/mm2) of bovine enamel, between the different pastes, the healthy enamel samples (group 9) towhich no acid attack or any treatment was carried out, nor the samples from group 8 that received the acid attack and were preserved in artificial saliva. But all of them have significant differences (p < 0.05) with group 10 that was subjected to an erosive cycle and preserved in distilled water. This in vitro study shows that, the experimental pastes based on nanohydroxyapatite and chitosan, has a potential remineralizing effect on eroded bovine tooth enamel.
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