Bibliographic citations
Huasasquiche, L., (2018). Aislamiento y caracterización de la microflora asociada al cultivo de tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Huasasquiche, L., Aislamiento y caracterización de la microflora asociada al cultivo de tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Aislamiento y caracterización de la microflora asociada al cultivo de tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet)",
author = "Huasasquiche Sarmiento, Lucero",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
Andean lupin is a native legume of the Peruvian highlands with a great nutritional and cultural importance. This crop has advantageous characteristics in the agricultural sector, probably due to the microflora associated with it. However, there are only few studies addressing the microorganism-plant interrelation in lupin. Thus, the present work aims to establish a baseline study about the symbiont microorganisms of this crop. An isolation of bacteria and fungi strains was carried out from the native rhizosphere, roots, stems and nodules of lupin crops from two regions: La Molina and Jauja. Strains were characterized for their production of indol acetic acid (IAA), solubilization of tricalcic phosphates, production of siderophores, antagonism against Fusarium oxysporum, in vitro fixation of nitrogen and effect on growth of tarwi seedlings. Among fungal isolations, the most active antagonist was strain N°131 with a percentage of inhibition of 74% against the pathogen. By microscopic observation, the strain was identified belonging to the genus Aspergillus. The IAA production test was an initial screening to reduce bacterial isolations. Then, phosphates solubilization was evaluated with an efficiency of up to 496.6% (RB10), the siderophores production with an efficiency of up to 500% (RB08) and antagonism against F. oxysporum with a percentage of inhibition of up to 49.3% (RB11). Bacterial strains were identified using sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and molecular genotyping by BOX-PCR, stating that majority belonged to the Bacillaceae family of the Firmicutes phylum. Finally, seeds from tarwi was inoculated with strain RB01, TB05 and a RB10-RB14 mix, in order to evaluate their plant growth promoting effect. Seedling inoculated with the TB05 strain had better values in terms of height, with an increase of 11% compared to the control. The results in this investigation suggest a potential to develop biofertilizers from these microorganisms
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