Bibliographic citations
Gamarra, J., (2016). Evaluación de un sistema de tratamiento de aguas grises con humedal artificial en una asociación de viviendas de Ate Vitarte [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Gamarra, J., Evaluación de un sistema de tratamiento de aguas grises con humedal artificial en una asociación de viviendas de Ate Vitarte [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2016.
title = "Evaluación de un sistema de tratamiento de aguas grises con humedal artificial en una asociación de viviendas de Ate Vitarte",
author = "Gamarra Rojas, Juan",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2016"
The present investtigation entitled "Evaluation of a system greywater treatment with artificial wetland in a housing association in Ate Vitarte” evaluates the performance of a subsurface artificial wetland horizontal flow in order to reuse gray water to irrigate areas green. For the evaluation of system monitoring water quality it was conducted gray and operational parameters and characteristics of the wetland was determined; the evaluation period was in the months of January and February 2016. The treatment flow is 1.12 m3/day; the total removal obtained of BOD5, COD and TSS was 92.4, 88.5 and 96.6 percent respectively. Fecal coliforms present a value of 7.52x104 MPN / 100ml does not meet the recommendations of the World Health Organization 1989, which sets 1000 MPN/100ml for reuse in irrigation; however, the treated water is reused by drip irrigation plants with long stems (trees and shrubs) without exposure to people with such conditions reuse the World Health Organization have no restrictions on fecal coliform allowing reuse of treated water.. Finally, this research intends to conduct a management of sludge generated in the grease trap and a process of chemical disinfection for the treated gray water, such as measures to improve the system to consider its application in other areas
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