Bibliographic citations
Jamanca, A., Trejo, K. (2025). Efecto gastroprotector del mucilago de la penca de opundia ficus-indica (L) Mill. (Tuna) sobre las úlceras gástricas agudas Inducidas por etanol en Mus musculus var. albinus. [Universidad María Auxiliadora].
Jamanca, A., Trejo, K. Efecto gastroprotector del mucilago de la penca de opundia ficus-indica (L) Mill. (Tuna) sobre las úlceras gástricas agudas Inducidas por etanol en Mus musculus var. albinus. []. PE: Universidad María Auxiliadora; 2025.
title = "Efecto gastroprotector del mucilago de la penca de opundia ficus-indica (L) Mill. (Tuna) sobre las úlceras gástricas agudas Inducidas por etanol en Mus musculus var. albinus.",
author = "Trejo Huanca, Katherine Estefany",
publisher = "Universidad María Auxiliadora",
year = "2025"
The research was explanatory-experimental, 30 mice were used distributed in six groups (n=5), gastric damage was induced with 0.5 ml of ethanol orally, and Group-1 received physiological saline solution (PSS) 4 mL/Kg, Group-2 ethanol 0.5 ml/mouse, Group-3 ranitidine 100 mg/Kg and groups four, five and six mucilage 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 ml/mouse correspondingly, gastric damage was evaluated considering the Marhuenda scale, as a result the mucilage showed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins and triterpene steroids. In addition, its characteristics were transparent, odorless, acidic, viscous, 1.5 brix and pH 4.5. The greatest gastroprotective efficacy was observed with mucilage 0.4 mL/mouse, reducing the loss of folds (40%), mucosal discoloration, edema and hemorrhage (20%), reduction of petechiae (40%), and ulcer formation in 20%. It was concluded that mucilage from the stem of Opundia ficus-indica (L) mill. (prickly pear) has a gastroprotective effect in mice with ethanol-induced gastric ulcers.
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