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Garcia, K., (2024). Estrategia de exportación en el área logística de la empresa Snacks América Latina, Santa Anita-2023 [Universidad María Auxiliadora].
Garcia, K., Estrategia de exportación en el área logística de la empresa Snacks América Latina, Santa Anita-2023 []. PE: Universidad María Auxiliadora; 2024.
title = "Estrategia de exportación en el área logística de la empresa Snacks América Latina, Santa Anita-2023",
author = "Garcia Calvo, Kenny Luis",
publisher = "Universidad María Auxiliadora",
year = "2024"
Title: Estrategia de exportación en el área logística de la empresa Snacks América Latina, Santa Anita-2023
Other Titles: Export strategy in the logistics area of the Snacks Latin America company, Santa Anita-2023
Authors(s): Garcia Calvo, Kenny Luis
Advisor(s): Tam Wong, Fernando Luis
Keywords: Estrategia de exportación; Volúmenes de ventas; Diferenciación; Liderazgo de costos; Export strategy; Sales volumes; Differentiation; Cost leadership
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2024
Institution: Universidad María Auxiliadora
Abstract: Se desarrolla este estudio en base al enfoque cuantitativo, mediante el cual se recopiló y analizó la información por medio de diferentes preguntas que se encuentran relacionadas a la investigación descriptiva y no experimental, además la población total estuvo constituida por personal del área logística pertenecientes a la empresa snacks América Latina, Santa Anita, 2023. Resultados: respecto al objetivo principal, las estrategias de exportación en el área de logística se encontró un nivel medio de 85,7%. Asimismo, se determinó que la estrategia de los volúmenes de ventas presentó un nivel medio de 92,9%, en diferenciación tuvo un porcentaje en el nivel alto de 40,5%, el liderazgo de costos tuvo un nivel medio del 81%. Conclusiones: en base a los resultados alcanzados, se concluye que las estrategias de exportación en el área logística de snacks América Latina tuvieron un nivel medio, en cuanto a los volúmenes de ventas, tienen un conocimiento medio, por diferenciación el conocimiento y por liderazgo de costos se obtiene un conocimiento medio en relación con los trabajadores del área de logística.
This study is developed based on the quantitative approach, through which the information was collected and analyzed through different questions that are related to descriptive and no experimental research, in addition to the total population, was made up of staff from the logistics area belonging to the company snacks América Latina, Santa Anita, 2023. Results: with respect to the main objective, export strategies in the area of logistics, an average level of 85.7% was found. Likewise, it was determined that the sales volume strategy had an average level of 92.9%, differentiation had a percentage at the high level of 40.5%, and cost leadership had an average level of 81%. Conclusions: based on the results achieved, it is concluded that the export strategies in the logistics area of Snacks Latin America had a medium level, in terms of sales volumes, they have medium knowledge, knowledge differentiation and leadership. of costs, an average knowledge is obtained in relation to the workers of the logistics area.
This study is developed based on the quantitative approach, through which the information was collected and analyzed through different questions that are related to descriptive and no experimental research, in addition to the total population, was made up of staff from the logistics area belonging to the company snacks América Latina, Santa Anita, 2023. Results: with respect to the main objective, export strategies in the area of logistics, an average level of 85.7% was found. Likewise, it was determined that the sales volume strategy had an average level of 92.9%, differentiation had a percentage at the high level of 40.5%, and cost leadership had an average level of 81%. Conclusions: based on the results achieved, it is concluded that the export strategies in the logistics area of Snacks Latin America had a medium level, in terms of sales volumes, they have medium knowledge, knowledge differentiation and leadership. of costs, an average knowledge is obtained in relation to the workers of the logistics area.
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Discipline: Administración de Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad María Auxiliadora. Facultad de Ingeniería y Negocios.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración de Negocios Internacionales
Juror: Castro Guzmán, Enrique Alonso; Alba Trinidad, Elizabeth; Perez Sanchez, Christian Jesús
Register date: 20-Jan-2025
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