Bibliographic citations
Sierra, F., (2015). Modelación del fenómeno viento Paracas utilizando el modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Sierra, F., Modelación del fenómeno viento Paracas utilizando el modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2015.
title = "Modelación del fenómeno viento Paracas utilizando el modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)",
author = "Sierra Sotelo, Fiorella Judith Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2015"
The Paracas Wind (Viento Paracas) is a sand and dust storm occurring in the Ica region, which causes the total or partial loss of horizontal visibility, playing a detrimental role for local commercial activities, tourism and even human health. This investigation’s purpose is to model the Paracas Wind phenomenon through an accurate input of local data in the configuration of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, by the study of specific events, such as those dated June 3rd 2006, October 12th 2008, June 20th 2012, August 23rd 2012 and June 26th 2014 (Dates when this phenomenon took place); and this being able to forecast future events. Surface meteorological variables that were simulated were wind direction and velocity, air temperature and relative humidity. These variables were compared to data recorded by the area’s meteorological stations, and validated by statistic indicators.Result show that the model was capable of coherent simulation of the daily fluctuations of the analyzed meteorological parameters; however they do not satisfy the process of statistic indicators validation. The model identifies wind velocity increases due to the paracas wind event, and it overrates these velocity records, but when wind velocity reaches up to higher values than 10-12 m/s, the model underestimates these velocities. Hence, it was concluded that the model does not reproduce the meteorological variables when occur Paracas Winds, therefore negating the proposed hypothesis. It is important to mention that the local topography plays a relevant role modifying the wind magnitude locally; coastal wind weakens windwards and accelerates leewards of a topographic obstacle
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