Bibliographic citations
Cerón, L., Núñez, A. (2017). Manual de gestión de la calidad basado en la NTP ISO 9001: 2009 para la producción de agua de mesa sin gas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Cerón, L., Núñez, A. Manual de gestión de la calidad basado en la NTP ISO 9001: 2009 para la producción de agua de mesa sin gas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2017.
title = "Manual de gestión de la calidad basado en la NTP ISO 9001: 2009 para la producción de agua de mesa sin gas",
author = "Núñez Burga, Allinson Yanidel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2017"
This degree work develops the case of GAMECHANGER S.A.C. a company dedicated to the production of table water without gas whose objective is to be competitive at national level and to transcend internationally, optimizing its production process and thus to comply with the requirements of the client. The general objective of the present degree work was to elaborate a manual of quality management based on the NTP ISO 9001:2009 for the process of production of table water without gas. The specific objectives were: to carry out a diagnosis to know the current situation of the gas table production plant, to evaluate the company and to identify the main problems affecting quality and to draft its manual of quality management based on the NTP ISO 9001:2009. The methodology used consisted of six main stages: a preliminary meeting with the general management, an interview with the management, gathering information, diagnosing the company, identifying the deficit areas using quality tools and last the development of the manual of quality management and adequate documentation as a need for improvement for the deficit areas identified in the company GAMECHANGER SAC for its production process of table water without gas. Two main causes were identified and identified: the lack of manual of quality management, based on NTP ISO 9001:2009 and lack of documented activities according to NTP ISO 9001:2009 requirements. The use of quality tools in the analysis and diagnosis of the company were: brainstorming, Pareto diagram, matrix of problem selection and matriz of main causes, allowing to establish the type of document that was elaborated through a manual of quality management that the company requires
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