Bibliographic citations
Valdivia, M., (2015). Percepción local de la diversidad infraestructura infraespecífica de papas nativas (Solanum spp.) en tres comunidades andinas de Huaquira (Apurímac) y su aporte a la adaptación al cambio climático [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Valdivia, M., Percepción local de la diversidad infraestructura infraespecífica de papas nativas (Solanum spp.) en tres comunidades andinas de Huaquira (Apurímac) y su aporte a la adaptación al cambio climático [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2015.
title = "Percepción local de la diversidad infraestructura infraespecífica de papas nativas (Solanum spp.) en tres comunidades andinas de Huaquira (Apurímac) y su aporte a la adaptación al cambio climático",
author = "Valdivia Díaz, Merelyn",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2015"
Multiple drivers related to changes in climate and socio-cultural structure in the Peruvian Highland are of increasing importance for the loss of the biological diversity of potato landraces and related collective knowledge in their center of diversity. The precise impact of these tendencies on agrobiodiversity has not been assessed and it remains difficult to establish timelines that reflect changes as no reference data exist that is useful for comparison. A cost efficient and easy applicable method to assess local crop diversity based on traditional names and establish a baseline for red-listing of landraces is the five cell analysis (FCA). In a case study, three communities in Haquira – Pauchi, Queuñapampa and Huancacalla Chico have been surveyed to determine the actual state of potato landrace, collective knowledge, potential threats of agrobiodiversity and to establish a long term monitoring system. It was registered by focus groups familiar (n=61). The results provide us information systematization of landraces of potatoes to prepare a master list that can be contrasted with genetic information. Based on farmer's perception in all the communities it was identified 42 landraces with 71 synonyms; 13 threatened landraces, 8 conservation dependant landraces and 3 no risk landraces. The methodologies used to contributing to data base for monitoring of landraces of potatoes should be applicable to other landscapes on similar conditions.
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