Bibliographic citations
Mio, A., Gonzáles, D. (2015). Auditoria de gestión y su incidencia en los recursos humanos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Imperial Cañete. Año 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional del Callao].
Mio, A., Gonzáles, D. Auditoria de gestión y su incidencia en los recursos humanos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Imperial Cañete. Año 2014 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional del Callao; 2015.
title = "Auditoria de gestión y su incidencia en los recursos humanos de la Municipalidad Distrital de Imperial Cañete. Año 2014",
author = "Gonzáles Gago, Diana Yane",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional del Callao",
year = "2015"
This thesis has been called "audit and its Impact on Human Resources of the District Municipality of lmperial" and applied this theme to carry out research on the classification of unsuitable staff, considering that the Administration Post must have the means to ensure that public servants serving the State are the most suitable to perform the functions that are entrusted.
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