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Córdova, R., (2016). Metodología para el control SPWM de un inversor monofásico de baja frecuencia [Tesis, Universidad Nacional del Callao].
Córdova, R., Metodología para el control SPWM de un inversor monofásico de baja frecuencia [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional del Callao; 2016.
title = "Metodología para el control SPWM de un inversor monofásico de baja frecuencia",
author = "Córdova Ruiz, Russell",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional del Callao",
year = "2016"
Title: Metodología para el control SPWM de un inversor monofásico de baja frecuencia
Authors(s): Córdova Ruiz, Russell
Advisor(s): Astocondor Villar, Jacob
Issue Date: 2016
Institution: Universidad Nacional del Callao
Abstract: La presente Tesis de Maestría, trata sobre la Metodología para el control SPWM de un inversor monofásico de baja frecuencia, utilizando Ia Técnica de Modulación de Ancho de Pulso Sinodal (SPWM). Esta técnica, hace que el control de la tensión de salida, se efectúe mediante la variación del ancho de varios pulsos por semiperiodo, con una separación variable entre los pulsos.
La metodología utilizada consiste en una investigación bibliográfica de las topologías de inversores más simples, seguida por una investigación de la teoría de dispositivos semiconductores de potencia y el método adecuado de control. El diseño se realizó con un controlador analógico PWM, tomando en cuenta la disponibilidad de componentes en el mercado, así como sus respectivos modelos de PSIM, PROTEUS que son esenciales para sustentar el diseño. De no existir algún modelo en Simulink, se buscó un equivalente en bloques, para realizar la simulación.
Las Simulaciones realizadas mediante PSIM, PROTEUS han demostrado que el sistema de control es válido y cumple con las condiciones de diseño propuestas, se realizaron pruebas con cargas resistivas, inductivas y capacitivas y para los casos en que el voltaje de entrada disminuyo con respecto al tiempo y en el caso en que se hizo cambios en la carga.
Finalmente se Ilegó a la conclusión de que el circuito es realizable y estable ante cambios en la fuente y carga, asimismo, para cargas resistivas inductivas y capacitivas. Luego, se presenta Ias conclusiones a partir de los resultados obtenidos. Finalmente se presentan Ias recomendaciones para trabajos futuros. En los anexos se presentan Ia Matriz de Consistencia y los programas de simulación, utilizados en el presente trabajo.
This master's thesis deals with the Methodology for SPWM single phase inverter control low frequency technique using Pulse Width Modulation Sinusoidal (SPWM). It is technical, makes controlling of the output voltage, is effected by varying the width of several pulses for each half, with a variable spacing between the pulses. The methodology consists of a literature search of simpler topologies investors, followed by an investigation of the theory of power semiconductor devices and appropriate method of control. The design was done with an analog PWM controller, taking into account the availability of components on the market and their respective models PSIM, PROTEUS that are essential to support the design. In the absence of any model in Simulink, an equivalent is sought in blocks, to perform the simulation. Simulations using PSIM, PROTEUS have shown that the control system is valid and complies with the design conditions imposed, tests were performed with resistive, inductive and capacitive loads and for cases where the voltage entry decreased with respect to time and in case it was made changes in load. He finally concluded that the circuit is also achievable and stable to changes in the source and load for resistive inductive and capacitive loads. Then presents the conclusions from the results. Finally recommendations for future work are presented. The annexes present the Matrix Consistency and simulation programs used in this work.
This master's thesis deals with the Methodology for SPWM single phase inverter control low frequency technique using Pulse Width Modulation Sinusoidal (SPWM). It is technical, makes controlling of the output voltage, is effected by varying the width of several pulses for each half, with a variable spacing between the pulses. The methodology consists of a literature search of simpler topologies investors, followed by an investigation of the theory of power semiconductor devices and appropriate method of control. The design was done with an analog PWM controller, taking into account the availability of components on the market and their respective models PSIM, PROTEUS that are essential to support the design. In the absence of any model in Simulink, an equivalent is sought in blocks, to perform the simulation. Simulations using PSIM, PROTEUS have shown that the control system is valid and complies with the design conditions imposed, tests were performed with resistive, inductive and capacitive loads and for cases where the voltage entry decreased with respect to time and in case it was made changes in load. He finally concluded that the circuit is also achievable and stable to changes in the source and load for resistive inductive and capacitive loads. Then presents the conclusions from the results. Finally recommendations for future work are presented. The annexes present the Matrix Consistency and simulation programs used in this work.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Electrónica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional del Callao. Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica
Grade or title: Maestro en Ciencias de la Electrónica con mención en Control y Automatización
Register date: 3-Aug-2017
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