Bibliographic citations
Córdova, H., (2014). Minimización de emisiones de cromo en el proceso de curtido, por uso de complejantes y basificantes de cromo y tratamiento de efluentes [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Córdova, H., Minimización de emisiones de cromo en el proceso de curtido, por uso de complejantes y basificantes de cromo y tratamiento de efluentes [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2014.
title = "Minimización de emisiones de cromo en el proceso de curtido, por uso de complejantes y basificantes de cromo y tratamiento de efluentes",
author = "Córdova Bravo, Hansel Miguel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2014"
The tanning industry produces large quantities of water containing chromium III causing serious environmental impacts. Chromium salts are the most used chemical tanning; however, approximately 20% to 40% chromium is lost with the residual water. The present study aims to reduce the emission of chromium to the environment from the tanning process by using chromium complexing and basifiers in this process obtaining a final product that meets the minimum requirements for wet blue leather for state parameters of the Brazilian Technical Standard NBR 13525. The analysis of leather quality was determined by the percentage on leather onf: chromium oxide, dermal substance, soluble matters in dichloromethane, pH and boiling test. It was determined that the use of complexing and basifiers agent increases absorbency of chrome in leather from 58,5 % to 98,1 %; the quality of finish wet blue leather achieve meet the requirements established for the final product. Also, the use of these products reduces the chromium demand from 8 % to 5 % decreasing the concentration of total chromium in the effluent from 2 000 mg/L to 100 mg/L obtaining a wastewater which requires less investment compared to the cost of treatment. With respect to effluent treatment, the chemical precipitation was used for removal of chromium using as a precipitating agent different concentrations of sodium hydroxide. For the determination of the concentration of total chromium was used the Alkaline Hypobromite Oxidation Method (Method 8024), which is an adaptation of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. This process is equivalent to Standard Method 3500- Cr D for the wastewater (colorimetric method). By using this precipitating agent, removal efficiencies of up 100 % were achieved. During chemical precipitation was observed that best result are obtained in a pH rang from 7,36 to 9,99.
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