Bibliographic citations
Toribio, K., (2015). Evaluación de la estabilidad como starter de Saccharomyces pastorianus ssp. carlsbergensis para la producción de cerveza tipo Lager [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Toribio, K., Evaluación de la estabilidad como starter de Saccharomyces pastorianus ssp. carlsbergensis para la producción de cerveza tipo Lager [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2015.
title = "Evaluación de la estabilidad como starter de Saccharomyces pastorianus ssp. carlsbergensis para la producción de cerveza tipo Lager",
author = "Toribio Tamayo, Karin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2015"
In the brewing industry two forms of yeast culture is used: the first is based on the reuse of yeast, known as “Re-pitching”; and the second is the propagation of a pure culture. These two ways of cultures were represented in the Methods N°1 y N°2, in order to prepare an inoculum or also called "Starter", for the production of lager beer on laboratory scale, using the yeast Saccharomyces pastorianus ssp. Carlsbergensis the evaluation and comparison of Methods N°1 y N°2, was measured through the stability of the yeast for producing beer, assessing their viability and vitality at different stages from preparing and scaling Starter, Bach fermentation, maturation to the final product. It is concluded that the method N°1, decreases in a day fermentation phase and to the third re-pitching there is not difference in the final product between the two methods. Also by Method N°1, the third repitching bacterial contamination introduced and it shows a slight decrease in viability and vitality of yeast, which would limit the number of subcultures, influencing the characteristics of beer flavor. Both methods are complementary and their use depends on the size and volume of production brewery.
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