Bibliographic citations
Arízaga, L., (2012). Diseño de un sistema de gestión de costos de calidad para incrementar rentabilidad y competitividad de una empresa pisquera artesanal [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Arízaga, L., Diseño de un sistema de gestión de costos de calidad para incrementar rentabilidad y competitividad de una empresa pisquera artesanal [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2012.
title = "Diseño de un sistema de gestión de costos de calidad para incrementar rentabilidad y competitividad de una empresa pisquera artesanal",
author = "Arízaga Collantes, Ligia Stefania.",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2012"
The present work aims to design a management system of quality costs to increase profitability and competitiveness of a company producing artisanal pisco in the region of Ica. To do this, there were identified the activities that are aimed at obtaining cost and satisfactory quality assurance of the product and the costs resulting from inadequate control, grouped according to different categories of quality costs. Through interviews with senior management, surveys, use of quality tools and application of methodologies such as ISO and IMECCA and was developed in the diagnosis of the company's current situation, identified the causes that affect the process pisco production and distribution, and later through the implementation of the proposed design, provides guidance for management deliverable quality costs in the company. This work has shown the situation in the company in relation to those costs, evaluate the effectiveness of the management system of quality costs in terms of performance indicators, profitability and competitiveness, and consequently, adopt internal improvement programs through planning, implementation and monitoring of the proposed system.
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