Bibliographic citations
Carbajal, G., (2025). Determinación de la actividad antioxidante del extracto etanólico de las partes aéreas de Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet “Tarwi” [Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga].
Carbajal, G., Determinación de la actividad antioxidante del extracto etanólico de las partes aéreas de Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet “Tarwi” []. PE: Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga; 2025.
title = "Determinación de la actividad antioxidante del extracto etanólico de las partes aéreas de Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet “Tarwi”",
author = "Carbajal Sairitupac, Gleny Lisbeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga",
year = "2025"
The main objective of the present work was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet “Tarwi”. The sample was collected in the district of Santiago de Chocorvos, province of Huaytará, in the department of Huancavelica. The ethanolic extract was obtained by maceration of the aerial parts, using 96º ethanol as extraction solvent. To determine the secondary metabolites, a phytochemical screening was carried out and the identification was made by staining and/or precipitation reactions. The methods used for the determination of antioxidant activity were: DPPH, FRAP and ABTS. The presence of bioactive compounds of alkaloid, flavonoid, triterpenoid and/or steroid nature, anthraquinones, catechins, saponins and free amino acids was determined; as for the results of the antioxidant activity it was found that in the DPPH radical method an IC50 equivalent to 5.08 mg/mL of extract was obtained; by the FRAP method 1 mM of trolox was obtained is equivalent to 0. 750 mg/mL; in the ABTS free radical method 1 mM of trolox was found is equivalent to 0.203 mg/mL of extract. Concluding that the ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of Lupinus Mutabilis Sweet “Tarwi” presents antioxidant activity by the studied methods.
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