Bibliographic citations
Barrueta, C., (2024). Redes sociales y procrastinación de los estudiantes del tercer grado del nivel secundario de la Institución Educativa San Luis Gonzaga [Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga].
Barrueta, C., Redes sociales y procrastinación de los estudiantes del tercer grado del nivel secundario de la Institución Educativa San Luis Gonzaga []. PE: Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga; 2024.
title = "Redes sociales y procrastinación de los estudiantes del tercer grado del nivel secundario de la Institución Educativa San Luis Gonzaga",
author = "Barrueta Blanco, Cristina del Rocio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga",
year = "2024"
The present study is of a basic type, descriptive correlational level, and consequently seeks to describe the study variables, explaining the factors that precipitated the phenomenon and the consequences that could lead to its growth through the correlation of the variablesThe present research aims to determine the relationship between the use of social networks and academic procrastination of students in the third grade of the secondary level of the San Luis Gonzaga educational institution. The present study is a basic, descriptive, quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design that seeks to describe the study variables, identifying the phenomena investigated in a specific way. A questionnaire was used for data collection, which is made up of a series of questions related to the study variables for hypothesis testing. The population consisted of 510 students from the San Luis Gonzaga Educational Institution, selecting a sample of 220 students from the third grade of secondary school. After applying the instrument and identifying the findings, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the use of social networks and academic procastination of students in the third grade of secondary school at the San Luis Gonzaga Educational Institution, as confirmed by the sigma value of 0.000, which demonstrates this, in addition to having obtained a relationship value of 0.769, which showed a high positive correlation between the two study variables. A sigma value equal to 0.000 indicates that the probability that the observed relationship between social network use and academic procastination is the result of chance is extremely low. In other words, there is a high probability that the relationship is genuine and not due to chance.
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